Chapter 5

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For the past 3 days nothing has happened, I decorated my house I guess but that's really all. Me and Noah have been hanging out more and Abby and Adam really love each other a lot, and I've never been happier. But something has been wrong, I've been having these dreams, sort of like deja Vu and though they're not super clear I know the main part, it's the day my parents died.


April 13th 2013- I was in the middle of 5th period, and I was called to the office, obviously I was curious but I didn't think much of it. When I got there Aunt Sarah was crying on my uncles shoulder, him crying too. I hugged them as Adam walked over and hugged us all and asked, "What's going on?" Somehow Sarah Sniffles out, "your parents were hit by a drunk driver and they're in the hospital." Me and Adam exchange a terrified look before getting our stuff and heading out the door. When we get to the hospital we ask for my parents, when we reach their door I open the door with a shaky hand, when we get in I run to my mom and dad's side, at that point I'm terrified, confused and worried. I look at my mom and breakdown I look at her bruises and her scars and her broken foot, I grab her hand and cry. Adam comes behind me and holds me while he cry's too. All that runs in my head is, I'm an orphane, I mean I'm only seventeen I'm not a legal adult. My brother is nearing his last year of school, and I still have my final year to do,the thought of being in an orphanage makes me cry harder. Once I calm down I look at their heart rates and my heart falls, my dad's heart is stopping. I whip my face and point at the machine, Sarah and Adam cry harder. Nick (my uncle) just stares, and realize why he's doing that, my dad was his brother, I got up and hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me and silently wept. Eventually Sarah came and comforted him, I go back to Adam who had just texted Noah. Then my worst fear came true. My father flat lined. I was frozen in shock while my remaining family cried and hugged each other I just stood there not knowing what to do, I hear the door open and Noah walks in, he takes one look at the two lifeless bodies on the beds, and comes over to hug me, he hugged me and I was still frozen. He turned around and saw my dad has gone flat line, he gasped and held me tighter then this is where my life crashed, my mother, the one who stayed up with me when I had a nightmare, or when I was sick she would give up her Friday nights for me, and the one who dealt with all my drama, flat lined.

End flashback

And that's where I always wake up, but this night I couldn't deal with it, I make my way through my new home and walk outside. When I'm on the front lawn I run over to Adams, I use his extra key and run to his room and find him sitting on his bed like he had just seen a ghost, I sit next to him and muttered, "What's wrong?" He looked at me and rested his head on my shoulder and stated holding back tears, "I'm having dreams about mom and dad." I look at him then back at the ground, "yeah I am too, I've been thinking about them so much, they're all I think about anymore." He nods in agreement. I looked at him and my heart broke, he was so brave during everything and seeing him like this hurts me. He starts crying and of course I comfort him. After at least 4 minutes of hugging him he lets go and says, "thanks, I uh, I've been keeping that in for a couple days." I smile weakly and say, "well it's what you would do." He smiles and asked if I wanted coffee since it was almost morning, I nod and follow him downstairs​. He grabs two cups and started the Keurig we chose what we wanted and waited in comfortable but empty silence. Once our coffee was done we sat at the table and took a sip of our drink before I muttered, "um Adam why have you been hiding your dreams and your emotions to us, I mean we could of built you a support system." He looks at me and adds on, "what about you how long have you been having the dreams." I look down so he can't see my frown, "uh 5 days." He looks at me in shock, "why didn't you say anything?" "Uh well I think it's normal, I mean we saw them flat line Adam, experiencing trama is kind of normal." "Well we still could have helped." He says lifting his drink to his lips. I shrug and get up, "um so what do we got planned today?" He thinks for a bit before replying, "um I guess we might go for a walk to the Noah's, me, Abby, and Noah have a surprise for you." I smile and start thinking of what it will be.

Three hours later

Once me, Abby, and Adam got to Noah's I was so excited to see my surprise we walk in to see a very happy Noah, I smile at his enthusiasm and sit next to him. He gives me hug and kisses my cheek, I turn my face to hide my blush. Abby and Adam sit in the love seat hand in hand, I smile and wiggle my eyebrows, "so I heard you guys got me a surprise." Abby giggles and says, "right um Noah go get it." He nods and get up and goes to the other room. He comes back with a beautifully wrapped gift, he tells me to open and to be honest I was quite skeptical. I opened the box and gasped at what I saw. I saw the most beautiful cat I've ever seen, (pic above) I cover my mouth on the verge of tears I look at everyone and they are all ecstatic, I smile and hold the bundle of cat in front of me, I pet his chin and he purred and snuggled up to me I smile and told everyone to come over to where I was, once they did we had like a group hug moment. Soon after we ate and played with my new cat, before Abby said, "so uh what will you name him?" "Um I don't know..... Oh I know, I'll name him Westley." I respond nodding my head proudly. They smile and all say they like the name. Once we got tired we went home.

At home

I changed into my pajamas and got in bed and Westley got right next to me and snuggled on to me. That night I dreamt about just about any thing but my parents death.

Hiya people, I hope you had a good day and you enjoyed the part. I am currently with family and so this was kind of rushed since I wanted to hang with family. Well anyway tootles<3

Word count-1234 lol

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