Chapter 10

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I woke up to the nudging of Westley on my legs and hear loud crying meows, I wake up everyone and look for the sound. I walk into my old bedroom and see a confused and scarred Sky I go to her side and call for everyone, even Westley comes, he lays right next to her and licks her, it calms her down enough for her not to meow. When Abby walks in she lets out a small squeal and sits down next to her, Noah and Adam watch from the doorway. We start talking about names and how the wedding is in a week and a half, then we hear a meow of relief we all look over to see an adorable kitten in the arms of Sky. Abby pets Sky and looks at the kitten, "Can I hold her?" I nod and she holds the fragile kitten and pets her, she purrs in response, "I'm gonna name her..... Widgett." We all smile at her before I speak up," I like it." Me and Abby hug before she puts the kitten down, Sky immediately licking her, of course once she found her. We smile and bring them to the living room, Westley keeping a close eye on Sky and Widgett, we set them down and Westley snuggles up to me, still watching Sky, and all I could think was, heh I love my little family.

Hi there just wanna say hi and have a good day!!!! <3

Word count- 251

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