Chapter 4

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(Oh hey! So um again I was bored so I added my favorite song cuz why not? Ps I'm started where I left off.)

Once we parted I was left speechless, just staring at him. He smirked and hugged me, then Abby came over with Adam both looking ecstatic, Abby pulled me aside and told me what happened, after what seemed like hours of squealing, we went and found the guys and said we were ready to go, they smiled and got up when we got in the car Adam had to drive, not that we were drunk but he didn't have anything.

~~Time skip to Adams brought to by Bunny Cat~~

Once we got there we just sat around and talked

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Once we got there we just sat around and talked. I would glance over at Noah and smiled when he would glance at me too. Once we stopped talking we watched Central Intelligence (Oh my god Dwayne The Rock Johnson!) And ate popcorn, that's all I really remember from that night.

~~Two days later~~

Today Abby was off so we hung out around the house, but after what seemed to be 30 minutes we jumped up at the sound of a loud honk, we looked outside and say a moving truck across the street, we squealed in unison as we ran out the door, the driver helped us with the big stuff for my room, then it hit me I have nothing for the kitchen, living room, bathroom, or the home office. I looked at Abby smiling at everything she saw," Abby do you maybe want to come furniture shopping with me?" she looked at me like I was crazy, "Of course!" I smile and hug her, "When do want to go?" "Maybe once we decorate your room?" I smile and nod, "Okay."

~Lotus' Room~

~~3 hours later, I know so many time skips~~

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~~3 hours later, I know so many time skips~~

Once we finally get back from the furniture shop the boys are already there, they smile as we walk into the room, and spoke up and wondered if we wanted to go out to the place he used to work at, you know the really fancy Italian place, we all nod in response, "Okay now go change" Adam said looking at us, we nod and head up stairs, since Abby didn't want to go back to her apartment I let her barrow some clothes. I change into (Outfit Below) and Abby changed into (The outfit even lower).

 I change into (Outfit Below) and Abby changed into (The outfit even lower)

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When we walked downstairs Adams eyes went straight to Abby, I smile and look over at Noah whos looking at me like I was flying, we stood by the door waiting for the boys

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When we walked downstairs Adams eyes went straight to Abby, I smile and look over at Noah whos looking at me like I was flying, we stood by the door waiting for the boys. We smiled walking out the door into the car, soon after the boys came out looking like two deer's in the headlights. We giggled and started a conversation to pass the time.

Once we got to the restaurant, we got a table and I sat across from Adam, Abby next to him, And Noah across Adam. Out of no where Noah whispered almost so quiet I could barely hear, "Sei bellissima." (If you don't know what that means it means, you look beautiful today in Italian, ha you see what I did there, Haha they are in a Italian restaurant? Oh god just, just... Never mind." Of course me, knowing what that means I blush, my face was probably as red as ever. I shake my head and take a drink of my Lemonade, suddenly our waitress comes over and asks what we would like first to Abby, "Uh I'll have pizza in a bowl." The Waitress jots it down and looks at Adam, "And You?" "Uh your cheesy bowtie pasta." She nods and looks at Noah, "You?" "The sausage soup please." After a few seconds she looks at me, "What can I get you?" "May I have the spaghetti with Bolognese sauce?" she writes it down and adds, "That will be with you shortly." We smile and resume talking. In the middle of our conversation Adams wanted to ask Abby something, "Hey Abby I want to ask you something." She nods and he continues, "Um will you be my girlfriend." When he said girlfriend I nearly started jumping in our booth. "Yes!" Abby said while looking like she was over the moon.

~Time skip to after eating~

Once we finish eating we leave a tip and head out and right when we walk in me and Abby change into pajamas, and omg we did something unexpected, we watched more movies! Half way into the movie, Abby and Adam fall asleep on each other, sure enough I got tired to and laid my head on Noah's shoulder, he then wrapped his arm around me. I looked at him, and for some reason I keep getting this boost of confidence from him, so I kissed him, it started slow, but then it got more intense, almost like we were begging for more, but we had to part for breath, but I smiled at him and whispered good night and nearly drifted off to sleep when a thought occurred; I love Noah.

~Noah's Perspective~

Once Lotus fell asleep I started thinking, and one thought hit me like a brick; I love Lotus.

Hiya people, its of course Phantom and I want to ask how's your day been? I hope it was good, Um I have nothing else to say but I want you tell me how you enjoy this book or if you enjoy it at all, I mean for all I know you could hate, I hope not but anyways Baiiiiii!!!!!!

Word Count- 918

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