Chapter 1.

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Three years. That's how long it took and still taking to forget about him. But when your life revolves around the internet and you were shipped hard by fans and your friends, it's hard. Not to mention he was one of my idols. Who am I talking about? Trevor Moran.

I'm not mad at him anymore. In fact, I've forgiven him. He just doesn't know it and we are not on speaking terms. I just gave up on trying to fight the idea that he actually truly liked me. But then again, I haven't seen him or any of his videos for so long.

I almost forget what he looks like but it's impossible when you get collages of him with you every day. It sucks because every day, I'm reminded of what he did. But I can't hold it against him. I was also under a pact. So he is not the only one to blame.

My past is the past and I've been able to forget the bad stuff. Forget everything. Of course I'll never forget the feelings of despair and depression, I'm so much better. I've learned that people change. But memories don't.

I've kept in contact with Jc, Ricky, Jenn, and Andrea these past three years. Connor and Kian have chatted with me once in a while. While Sam and Trevor just ignore me. I'm not mad because again, I'm no saint.

"Ms. Radner." I hear my name being called. I turn my head to find Mr. Winthrop looking at me with a bit of a disapproving look. "Can you repeat what I just said?"

"I don't know what you said. I, uh, wasn't paying attention." I tell the truth. He's taken back by me being awfully truthful but ever since Trevor, I vowed to never tell a lie. "What did you say?"

"Never mind. It wasn't anything important anyways. We were just talking about what we were planning to do over winter break." He filled me in. "What are you planning?"

"One of my friends is flying in from California to visit me."

"Jc." I hear a girl cough behind me, making me laugh. I turn to her and shoot her a genuine smile.

"That's exactly who's visiting me." Her cheeks glow a bright shade of pink. "It's okay. You got it right." I turn my head to the young, twenty-four year old teacher as his face brightens into a smile. "He's visiting from California to see what it's like here during the winter since he's never seen snow."

"That's very interesting. I hope he doesn't freeze to death." The class laughs, including me, at the local joke of the cat that froze just by standing still. Tragic yet hilarious. We hear the sound of the bell and the students rush to stand and get out of school to finally be able to enjoy the long winter break.

"Alright class, don't forget, when we get back we will be starting your next project!" Our teacher yells over the chairs squeaking and the sound of kids running around the room and out the door. I sigh, what is up with these guys? You're coming back in the week after.

"Ms. Radner." I hear him call my name. I turn my head to the side so I can see him in the corner of my eye. I clutch my binders closer to my chest as my heart beat accelerates. "You should be student body president since that Chuck Wales is moving back to England during the break."

"Why me?" My voice is just above a whisper.

"Because you're honest. One of the reasons you are one of my favorite students." His voice is honest as his slight accent escapes his lips. "I'll be visiting my mother back in Brazil so I won't be here when school starts until Wednesday. So I can help you with your campaign then, if you want to."

"I'll think about it. Enjoy your trip." I scurry out of the classroom and make my way to my locker, to find Alice and Gavin standing there waiting for me, hand in hand.

See, after I came back from Cali three years ago, school started that August. And since I felt confident, I befriended the newest girl in town - Alice - in Sophomore year. She just moved here from, you guessed it, Brazil. There were only five Brazilians in our whole school but she never liked those kids. Her accent is thick which gives her an exotic feel. Considering her tan skin and hazel eyes, I was a bit intimidated by her beauty but now, she's my best friend. Other than Jc.

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