Chapter 4.

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Mondays. The day I despise the most. I find the only good thing about this Monday is the fact I have no school. In fact, no school for the next two weeks. Jc is spending the whole time here, including Christmas and New Years while Connor is driving back to his home town to spend the rest of his trip with his family. He leaves in three days, much to my dismay.

Kian and Andrea are coming here tomorrow to visit and spending their Christmas and New Years here as well. Why, I have no idea but they insisted that this year they would visit. I don't really know if anyone else is coming but if anyone else does, they're sharing rooms or sleeping in the basement because there are only four bedrooms in this house.

One is mine, one is my aunt, one is Cameron's - which Jc is using, and the last is the guest room. The lovely couple will have to deal and share a room while the rest are sleeping on the couch that turns into a bed and my basement. Or Cameron's room - if it's only one other person.

I slowly stand up and check my messages, two from Andrea and three from Ricky. I quickly reply then check Twitter and my calendar to see if I have anything planned. Sadly, I have nothing planned. That means I am forced to go to the doctors office to check on my dizziness.

"Dr. Edwards office how may I help you?" I hear the monotone voice of the receptionist and her fingers typing away on the computer.

"I'd like to make an appointment today. For Dylan Radner."

"Alright Ms. Radner, we have a two o'clock and a five o'clock. Which one would you like to go to?"

"I'll take the five o'clock. Thank you." We bid our goodbye's after I give her the needed information she needs and I made my way downstairs, still in my pajamas. I yawn as I push open the door to the kitchen and open the fridge. Goose bumps rise on my arms as the cold radiates off of the fridge.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." I hear Jc as he walks in and ruffles my hair.

"Bringing back the old nickname, huh?" He replies with a chuckle before reaching over me and grabbing a cereal box that sat on top of the fridge. "Where's Connor?" I watch him as I take out the milk and pull out two spoons, he grabs two bowls.

"He's sleeping. The third sleeping beauty in this house."

"Oh and let me guess, you're the first?" I smirk. He pours cereal into both of our bowls while I pour in the milk. His smile is wide as he snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. "Jc." I warn before his grip loosens on me.

"Sorry." He clears his throat before grabbing a spoon and sitting on one of the stools. I stay standing, leaning over the counter as I eat my breakfast, waiting for Connor to show. It was quiet but it was comfortable, even after Jc's little stunt.

"Jc!" I hear Connor yell for him. Jc jumps before setting the bowl on the counter and running to the guest room. I don't bother going to find out why Connor just screamed, I'm honestly still a bit exhausted from yesterdays meet and greet and I want the day in. But I have an appointment at five and then pick up Kian and Andrea at six in the morning tomorrow... Dumbasses.

I finish my bowl and put it in the sink before running upstairs. I take a quick shower before pulling on some grey leggings and a black, oversized shirt. I put my hair an a messy bun that I've finally mastered and looks so much better than when I was fifteen. I pull on some combat boots and grab a military jacket that was hanging over my chair.

"Hey, where are you going?" I hear Connor yell behind me.

"Grocery store. You can come with if you want." I yell back, sliding my jacket on and grabbing my aunts car keys. I walk out of the house and unlock the car to find Connor following behind and sliding into the passengers side.

"Jc is going to stay 'cause has to Skype Kian." I nod as we pull out of the drive and make our way to the grocery store.

We softly jam out to music during the fifteen minute drive and once I'm parked, I feel Connor's eyes on me. "What?"

"Nothing." He shakes his head looking away but I see a blush creep onto his face. "Can we just go inside please?"

I nod. I take the key out of the ignition and once we're out, lock the car and walk into the store. Connor grabs a cart for me as I lead him to the aisle with cereal and such. We grab three different types of cereal and two packages of granola bars then walk over to other aisles to get the rest of the things we need.

"That'll be $82.36" The cashier informs me as I take out the credit card I've owned for a year now. I slide the card as Connor grabs the bags and puts them into the cart, soon pushing them to my car after I gave him the keys.

"Have a nice day."

"Thank you, you too." I give the cashier a nod before walking out to help Connor with the groceries. "Thank you, by the way." I say as I help put the rest of the bags into the trunk. I started to feel a pain in my bicep. I rubbed it but the pain wouldn't go away. Why is this happening? I try my best not to worry Connor but I don't think he noticed.

"Don't mention it. It's the least I can do for my friend." He gives me a smile before pushing the cart away and toward the boy in the parking lot who is collecting abandoned carts. We get into the car and before I turn on the ignition, Connor places a hand on my knee. "You want to, uh, grab some frozen yogurt?"

I look at him with complete confusion. "Or hot chocolate." He clears his throat as I nod at his second idea.

"Yeah, that would be nice." His face lights up like a Christmas tree as I give him a smile. Remind me to go with my aunt to get a Christmas tree later.

I drive to a small coffeehouse in town that has a really good variety of coffee, hot chocolates, and teas that are to die for. They opened a month after I turned sixteen and I've been drinking things there a bit more than I have been drinking Starbucks - crazy, I know.

The business and amount of costumers honestly don't make sense because their drinks are amazing and should be getting more business. Only thing, Starbucks is just around the corner and this place is covered by a "Laser Zone" which is pretty much like a Chuck E. Cheese but "cooler" and is attracted more by the high school and middle school population of this town.

"Marie's 800?" Connor questions the name of the café which I totally understand. I never fully understood the name until last month.

"It's hot beverages - or cold - that are 800 calories or less. They taste much better than they sound, trust me." I tell him after he made a disgusted look that made me giggle through the sentence.

He shrugged before stepping out of the car. I turned off the ignition and stepped out as well. We walked into the café, the familiar scent of Marie's peppermint mocha fills my nose as the sound of the coffeemaker is heard through the large room.

"Dylan!" I hear a familiar voice yell.

"Ms. Marie!" I hug the forty-two year old woman before her gaze goes to Connor.

"Who's this handsome young man?" She hugs Connor as well but he doesn't respond with a hug. Just a pat on her back to let her know the hug was appreciated.

"This is Connor. He's visiting from California." I smile a proud smile at my friend and try to ignore the knowing look from Ms. Marie. "Jc couldn't make it, he's back at my house with my mom." I inform her and she perks up immediately.

"Oh, how I miss Jc. How is he?" She walks behind the counter to start making my usual hot chocolate.

"He's good, don't tell him I brought Connor here before him this time." I whisper the last part so only me, her, and Connor could hear.

"No worries dear. What would you like, Connor? Is it?" He nods before scanning his eyes across the menu above us.

"Can I just have the peppermint mocha that I can so deliciously smell?" Connor laughs before Ms. Marie quickly whips up the coffeemaker and makes Connor's order as she caps mine and writes my name on the cup.

She gave me the cup and I read my name. Except, it wasn't my name. It was a sentence.

"Don't let this one slip like the last one did sweetie."

[Follow me on Twitter (@awkofreakintaco) for updates on this story and more]

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