Chapter 10.

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"Flight 837 to Los Angeles, California now boarding." The woman's monotone voice spoke through the speakers of the airport.

Me and the rest of the group, including James, stood up and slung our bags over our shoulders and walked over to the line being formed at the gate. I stood next to Jc, who was on his phone, and waited for the line to eventually move.

Andrea and Kian were standing behind us taking pictures together and tweeting out to fans. Connor was talking to James about the show and other things. I stood next to Jc, not talking because he had his ear buds in and I felt out of place.

Once the line started moving and we got onto the plane and found our seats quickly. I sat next to Jc in the window seat. In the row in front of us, Kian and Andrea sat and behind us was Connor and James. I put on my ear buds and started to play music.

"You can be amazing

You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug

You can be the outcast

Or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love"

I hear the music play as I softly sing along to it. I close my eyes as I think over what I'm about to do: go back to Cali for an O2L show and host. Then spend extra days at the house to make videos, host meet and greets and have the plan to go to Disneyland. How and why I agreed to do this really has nothing to me. I was definitely not thinking when I said yes.

What am I even going to say to Sam and Trevor? Hey, I know we are sort of supposed to hate each other or whatever but let's be friends just for the fans! No. It doesn't work like that. And I'm a horrible actress. I swear the play director at my school made me change characters three times before realizing I was better off with a non-speaking part.

Of course, some of that was  because I was purposely trying to get out of the play but I was still in it. As a bridesmaid. The dress was so uncomfortable, the minute I left the stage, I ripped off the dress and changed into my leggings and over sized t-shirt. I guess you can see that I don't really show off my figure. The only piece of clothing that really shows off my figure is my school uniform, leggings, and tank tops.

God, I talk too much. See what happens when I'm nervous? I sear to god I-

"Dylan." Jc pokes my arm before I take off my ear buds and see that we are already in the air. I look at him and he has an amused expression. "You were talking to yourself."

"What? Really?" He nods. "God, that's embarrassing. I'm sorry." He just shakes his head, letting it slide. He pulls out his pone and angles it so we're taking a picture. I cover my face with my hand as he takes the picture.

"Come on, Dylan. Just smile." He places a hand on my shoulder and rocks me back and forth.

"I'd rather jump out of the plane then take a picture with a fake smile." He understood. I don't like to be fake. I don't smile in pictures if I don't feel happy. I don't make a video if I'm upset or even go on my phone or laptop. I like to avoid conflict. Especially after that whole Trevor thing three years ago.

My head starts to throb once my mind goes to him and I rub my temples but the pain doesn't go away. My vision blurred. I can barely concentrate. My stomach hurts. God what is going on with me? I press the button for a flight attendant as I keep rubbing my temples.

"Hi, you called for us?" A flight attendant came over and she had a smile on her face.

"Do you have a cup of water?" She nods before holding up a finger then going back to where she was. She returns moments later with a plastic up with cold water. I thank her as I take the cup. Jc looks at me with confusion and I nod, letting him know I'm okay.

"Is it the..." He drags out his question and I nod again, conforming that it's the "too fast" situation. "You really need to see a doctor Dylan. Tell you what? I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow if you agree to not get into any trouble. Think you can handle that?"

I roll my eyes then regretting it as my eyes started to hurt. "You were going to take me anyway." He chuckles before I rest my head on his shoulder and try to fall asleep.

"Dylan." I hear a soft chuckle come from that all too familiar voice. "Wake up. We're landed."

I slowly open my eyes to look out the window and sure enough, we're landed. I take my head off of Jc's shoulder and stretch with a yawn. I look around to find everything almost in slow motion. People taking out their phones, others unbuckling their seat belts in advance. I just sit there, watching the window for until we stop.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the LAX airport in California. We ask of you to stay seated until the seat belt sign turns off and the plane is at a complete stop. Thank you for flying American Airlines."

I sigh for what feels like the hundredth time today and wait in my seat. I look back at Jc who has a smile on his face. This is the worst. Being in a bad mood when your best friend is in the best mood of his life.

"Why are you so happy?"

"No reason. I just get to see some one I love do some thing they love." He winks at me and confusion washes over me. He groans before explaining. "You host a show? I haven't seen you host in years and I hear you've gotten better on stage."

"Oh." I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I still get that feeling of nervousness before I go on stage or some thing like that."

"We all do." He starts. "I still remember the face you would make through out the show. Your eyes so wide in surprise and your hands were shaking like a Chihuahua." He laughs at the memory. "And the little shriek you let out when Ricky picked you up then put you down because he won that one challenge!"

"Yeah, yeah. Come on, people are leaving." I gesture to the line and we both get up. He took out my back pack from the compartment above our heads and passed it to me. I thanked him then we went in the line followed by the rest of the group.

"Who's picking us up?" I ask them and they shrug. Of course they don't know. Kian whispers into Andreas ear and her eyes widen a bit before having them land on Jc. A worried expression falls over her face.

"Jc, some stuff happened back home," She turns her head to Kian and he nods. "Kian will explain. Dylan, come on, let's go to baggage claim."

We go into baggage claim with James and Connor right behind us while Jc and Kian are talking in whispers. Me being curious, I try to tune everyone else out and listen into their conversation. All I heard was the sound what I think is my name before Andrea pulled me by the arm.

"What's the rush?" I laugh.

"Nothing. I just don't want to lose one of my bags. Like last time." She mumbles before pointing to my suitcase that is spray painted. Same one as three years ago. That suitcase lasted so long and I wish it would just break already so I can buy a new one.

I pull it off of the conveyer belt and roll it out of everyone else's way. I stand in the corner and wait as everyone finds their bags and walks over to me. Kian informs us that our ride is here and waiting for us. James soon bids his good byes to us and goes off to his ride.

We continue walking down the sidewalk until we stop in front of an unfamiliar car. The driver walks out and I am surprised to see him wearing sunglasses and his phone in his hand as he greets everyone. Soon, his attention is diverted to me.

"Hi Dylan."


[Follow me on Twitter (@awkofreakintaco) for updates on this story and more]

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