The Puppet & The Ghost

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~Zane P.O.V.~~~

I just sat in the same spot I have been since I showed up. I am different from other kids in many ways, but, I have two main reasons. One, I have Robophibia, which is a fear of robots. And Two, I am dead. I am dead. I am a ghost. My brother got me killed with some sick joke.
"Karma's gunna come collect your debt, Maybe your cha-" A female voice sung softly. I looked up from the security office ground to the door and saw a small female with long, dark blue hair, orange scientific goggles covered her eyes, and she was wearing a sweatshirt with a flame pattern at the bottom and was blue at the top. But the oddest thing, was her legs, she didn't have any. Instead of legs, her lower body changed into a blue black mist. "Hello?" She said clearly confused. "Umm, h-hi?" I said trying to remember if that was what you said when someone said hello and what to say next. "Uhh, w-whats your name?" I said questioning myself in my head. "I'm Trelós, but you can call me Mad or Shadow. What's your name?" I was glad about two things. One, I was correct. And Two, I wasn't alone. "I'm Zane." I said, all nervousness flying away like a bird. She smiled and held out her hand, in response, I gave her a confused look. "Grab my hand." She said. As I slowly grabbed her hand, she gave a soft smile and pulled me up. Afterwards, she shook my hand. I couldn't help but smile as she wiped away a few tears. "Why were you crying?" She asked. I didn't know what to say. Oh you know, I was killed by my brother and now I'm stuck here for all eternity? From the few people skills I know, I know that's not somthing you say. She patiently waited for an answer. I didn't know what to do. For one thing she came over and cheered me up. But on the other, I don't know her. I thought about this and made up my mind. "It's a long story." I said. If she had time ok. If not, then ok. "I have time." She said. I nodded. "Follow me, I have some food cooking and you look hungry. Before I could respond my stomach let out a howl in agreement. She gave a small giggle, making me look at her. Now that I was standing, I could see this girl only looked twelve while I am like sixteen. She grabbed my hand and basically pulled me towards the main area. When we got there, I could see that Fred-Bear and Springbonnie weren't on the stage. "They were taken down and the Pizzaria will be closed for the next few days." She said answering my unasked question. "Find a seat, I'll go get the food." She said. Before I could protest, she was gone, I turned in time to see a blur of blue hair dissappear around the corner. I sat down at a table near the stage. As I looked around I heard a door to my right open. Out of fear, I ducked under the table. I peaked out and felt tears weld in my eyes. There, at the corner of the room, was my mom. I wanted to go hug her, but, somthing in my gut told me not to. As my mom left, a new feeling appeared. 'Go into the room Ziana was in' a voice in my head repetedly whispered. I climbed out from under the table, and just stared at the door. I was considering if I should or shouldn't enter. "Zane?" Said my freind, appearing out of nowhere. She started at the door with me. We agreed on what to do next. What's behind door number one.

Mad:Sorry I'm late.
Pika:WHY?!? Grabs pitch fork*
Mad: Runs*

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