The letter

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Dear mom,

All three live of us live in a cabin we built in the forest about a mile from town. We Hunt for our own food and go into town once a month to get supplies like needles and thread so we can make our own clothes. Father is still king and the kingdom has grown exponentially since you died. The amount of children father has had has doubled according to rumors in town. It doesn't seem like father has married again since you died, but I don't know how long that will last. Usually when a child decided to leave he asked where they planned to go and made sure they had supplies for the journey and a badge proving their family and wished them luck saying they could come back whenever they were ready. When we told him we were going to leave he began to cry and tild us we couldn't leave. He begged for us to stay, pleaded for them to stay with him and be his family. we didn't know what to say luckily Riley saved us. He told him "For right now we need to leave father. It is not because we do not love you, it is because mother is still in these walls and we need to be else where to greave. I promise you that as soon as we feel comfortable coming back to place so filled with memory of her we will and we will come back and be your family and never leave you again. But until then we must be separated from society and live on our own." After that eloquent speech father gave us a couple a daggers each and some money for the journey and two horses to make our journey swifter. We Have not seen father since that day three years ago. Some times we still Miss him and the bustle of so many people always in the palace. We found our forest and bought it and began to build our camp. We no longer had the horses we traded them for help building our new home and for some food. The only ones out there were the three of us and whatever wild animal we stumbled on. After three years we have expanded out cottage into practically a settlement. There are four other groups of children of the royal family living here and a group is coming in a week to take our cabin since we are moving back to the castle. There is also a large house filled with orphans we have take in from the kingdom. Our village is built on a strong community of children who feel like they don't belong. We have been communicating with father through a messenger in town. We will be leaving in the morning and are going to restart our lives as royalty in the holy kingdom of croustade.
Since we are 17 now and and Riely is 13 we are going to stop writing letters to our dead mother but Riely will probably still write to you from time to time. We love and miss you. Just a warning if dad doesn't let us continue to hunt them he will be joining you in the after life quite soon.

-Sam and Chris
P.S. Riely says you might not understand that we don't go by our long names anymore. Christina is Chris and Samantha is Sam. Just to clarify its easier to wisper a shorter name when you are hunting your pray, we still love the names you gave they are just really inefficient when hunting.

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