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The three strange riders rode through the night in their dark apparel on black horses. Any person that saw them thought they were an omen of bad fortune or demons coming to kill the king. Word was sent to the capital and all were on high alert. Sam, Chris and Riely rode into the Royal city an hour before dawn. A thick fog lay on the city. The three hoped  the fog would keep their many half siblings from being able to find them before they reached the castle.
"Throw up your hoods to keep them from recognizing us!!" Chris tried yelling back to the others and luckily they heard her and pulled their hoods up. Chris knew the streets of the city the best after three years so she led her brother and twin through every back way possible not taking any Main Street so as to not chance running into idiotic half siblings. They thundered threw the city until Chris came to a grinding halt. She turned the face the other two.
"We are just in front of the main gates their are no back entrances for this one so there is good chance we will have to fight our way in. Riely hang back and when you see an opening break through the gate and we will follow you."
The two girls pulled the hood farther over their heads and started off into the mist. Riely knelt on top of his horse taking up the position of a live Panther, pulling his cloak farther around him any one coming at his would see a panther ready to pounce on top of a huge horse.
Sam and Chris charged towards the gates fully prepared to fight. When they broke threw the fog and saw the first of the guards they backed away clutching their weapons to their chests.
Sam could hear one of their half siblings hushed orders.
"Don't back down you cowards! They can't hurt us! Stand your ground!!"
Even Riely could hear the last part of that order. Chris stood tall on top of her horse and pulled out her cross bow already loaded and pinpointed the sibling who had been giving the orders. She focused her vision right on him and and sent a Bolt through his shoulder. She sent bolts through six more people before a hole opened up. Chris saw the weakness in the guards line and gave a high pitched whistle. Riley's horse charged forward bursting threw the gate, with the twins right behind him. The three guided their horses at a gallop up the grand stair case. At the top, the twins jumped from their horses and pulled their cloaks tighter like Riely to look more like animals. Riely a panther, Chris a wolf, and Sam a bear. The twins height in their new heals only added to the effect. They threw open the main doors and took a few steps into their old home before stopping.
Chris's eyes closed almost all the way. "I forgot out in the forest how good my eyes sight really is. It's almost painful to look around in here."
Sam pulled out a pair of earmuffs and put them over her ears. "So much better. The sounds reverberated too much I'm such a big room."
Riely scrunched up his nose. "It smells like candle wax and fear. Who do you think is afraid?"
"Probably quite a few people" Chris pulled her hood down as far as it would go to shield her eyes.
"We need to keep moving, even through the earmuffs I can hear people coming." They dart off to the right with Sam in the lead avoiding any and all sounds.

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