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"Almost" is one of the saddest words in the English language. 

She was almost  good enough.


He almost believed that he could make it into that college.

They almost did enough to finally impress their parents.


She almost  lived another night.

You see, while we are growing, we are told that we'll almost always never be good enough.

And, that's because that's what they've always been told.

But there are some people who prove themselves wrong when the going gets tough.

You have to stand up, and be loud.

You have to show everyone what "almost" really is. And in order for that to happen, always show who you are, and what you can do.

Take the chance, risk the fall, and be proud.

Remember, "almost" is just a word.

Make of it what you will when the world seems to blacken.

People fall and people rise, people cheat and people lie.

When the weight of "almost" decides to nap on your shoulder, just take a break, and look to the sky.


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