Zoro x Reader

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This one-shot is for one of my close friends who's such an amazing person. Thank you so much for being such a fantastic friend! I really hope you like this one-shot!
~ Dewglow
The only sound was the waves gently lapping the ship's sides. I quickly threw a hook on a rope to around the sheep figurehead. Immediately after the hook was secure, I ran across, grabbed the hook, and silently crept around the ship. I walked around until I found a room full of money. The problem was, the money was in the farthest corner from the door, and there were people in there. It looked like they were all sleeping, though. I crept as quickly and quietly as I could to the corner full of treasures. I took one bag-full and dashed towards the door. Then, when I had walked only a few steps, I heard a yawn. I glanced at the people and ran. I was only able to get halfway across the room before a green haired man blocked my path with one of his katana. "Who are you?" He asked sleepily before yawning. "None of your business, Pirate Hunter Zoro" I said with a smirk. I quickly ran into a random room in hopes of finding more treasures. It turns out to be the kitchen. I shut the door. A few moments later, I realized I wasn't alone. A tall, black haired boy wearing a straw hat was munching happily on a huge piece of meat. Suddenly, he turned around. "Huh? Who are you?" the boy asked, his mouth full of food. (It sounded more like, "Wuh? Woo wah oo?") I immediately threw one of my many daggers at him, recognizing him as Straw Hat Luffy. Thinking it had hit him in the head, I ran out of the kitchen and back onto the deck. The second I stepped outside, Zoro pressed his katanas to my throat. Before he realized what I was doing, I ducked under him and blocked his katana with my dagger. I dashed toward my ship. Ten feet away. Five feet. Three feet. One foot away. I was surrounded by three katanas. "You lost" Zoro said with a smirk. "I haven't lost yet," I argued stubbornly. " Zoro! What's going on here?" a tall, nicely dressed, blonde haired man asked. Then, he saw Zoro pointing his swords at me. "You stupid Marimo! How dare you point a weapon at a lady!" he yelled, kicking the green haired man in the face. "You dimwit! She's trying to steal from us!" Zoro shouted, punching the cook in return. The two of them started fighting, completely ignoring me. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" an orange haired girl screamed, running onto the deck. "Nami-swan! Would you like a refreshing breakfast?" the blonde haired man asked, hearts in his eyes. She punched him in the face. The girl's eyes scoured the deck. Finally her angry gaze landed on me, or to be more precise, my bag. "Give it back! Give back the money you stole!" she shouted, pointing a long blue, metal stick at me. "Why should I give up the money I worked so hard to steal?!" I exclaimed angrily. Suddenly, I changed into a long, deadly snake. "Eeeeeek! Get it away from me! Luffy! Sanji! Zoro! Chopper! Franky! Heeeelp!," the orange haired girl screamed, running around the ship. This luckily distracted the whole crew. I took this precious chance to throw my stolen cash onto my boat. "Hey! She's getting away!" Zoro shouted, pointing in my direction. Suddenly, he dove off of the Strawhats' ship and swam towards me. I paddled furiously trying to get back to my ship. Just as I reached the big wooden ship belonging to Red Haired Shanks, Zoro right behind me. "Hey, (Y/N)! What'd you get?" my red haired captain asked, well, ... that's before he sees Zoro, that is. The second he sees the famous swordsman, he grins. "Hey! Wanna come aboard for a bit? We'll have a blast! C'mon, c'mon!" Shanks ushered Zoro onto our ship and shows him around.

After about an hour, I see Zoro and Shanks again, and unsurprisingly, Shanks appears to be drunk. Zoro seems to be sleeping with with his head on the kitchen table. Shanks made a mess of the kitchen, so I had to clean it up since the rest of the crew was asleep.  I had just finished cleaning kitchen and was checking on my captain and Zoro, when the green-haired swordsman grabbed my wrist. "What the heck? Let go of me!" I exclaimed, trying to get out of his iron grip. Suddenly, saw him leaning in towards my face. Without thinking, I ducked and ran. I ran to my cabin and locked the door.
I waited until midnight for Zoro to come pounding on my door, but he never came.
One person who I did not expect to see knocking at my door was Straw hat Luffy. "Hi! Where's the kitchen?" he immediately asks. "Ummm... aren't you supposed to be looking for your crew member?" I ask. "Which one?" he asks. "Your swordsman!," I exclaim exasperatedly. How is this guy the captain?! With a sigh, I lead the famous pirate to the kitchen. Surprisingly, my captain was also in the kitchen. "Hey! What do you think you're doing! Stop! That food is not for you!" Shanks shouted as Luffy practically ate the whole fridge. That was before my captain realized who it was. "Luffy! Why are you here?" Shanks asked. "Hm? (stare)... (gulp), SHANKS!!!" Luffy shouts joyfully. "Hey, Luffy! You're still as childish as ever," Shanks teases the raven-haired captain. I decide to go out on the deck and watch the stars for a bit.
When I'm at the deck, I see a familiar green-haired man staring at the surrounding water if the Grand Line. "Hey," he says, not turning around. "Hey," I reply  cautiously as I leaned next to him on the railing.  He looked at me and our eyes met, seeming to convey a secret message. Tentatively and wordlessly, Zoro took my hand in his as we stared out into the glittering night.
Hi, lovely Readers!
I am really sorry about the slow writing. Also, the word "marimo" is a name that Sanji often calls Zoro to make fun of him. It means "moss-head" in Japanese.
Please give me characters or scenarios to do in the comments. Thank you all so much for reading this book of One Piece oneshots. I hope you all enjoy reading these oneshots!
~ Dewglow

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