Sanji x Reader

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Thank you so much, Reader-chans, for reading this story so much! Also, thank you, @ashpree15 ,for requesting this one-shot! I'm really sorry for taking so long on this one. Please tell me what you think of my one-shots in the comments! If you want to request, you can contact me through the comments or the message me on my profile! I hope you enjoy this one-shot!
"CRASH! .... BEEP!!! BEEP!!! BEEP!!!" resounded deafeningly throughout the Thousand Sunny, waking every single one of the Straw Hats, even Zoro. Almost immediately, nine people could be heard scrambling furiously to get to the origin of the sound: the kitchen. "Luuuuuuffyyyyyy!" eight of them shouted, the ninth looked at them confusedly and asked, "Huh? What is it?". The eight pirates looked at their captain in disbelief. "Luffy?! Why aren't you in the kitchen?" Usopp asked. "It appears (Y/n) is in the kitchen, since the rest of us are over here," Robin stated observantly. "(Y/n)-chwaaaan!I'm coooooomiiiiiing!" Sanji shouted, running into the kitchen with hearts in his eyes. When he came into the kitchen, he saw a tan, gooey substance all over the walls ( and on the floor a bit), and a pan was on the ground. The (h/c)-haired girl who was standing in front of the stove, looked at Sanji worriedly, tears glittering in her eyes. "(Y/n)-chan, what happened?" the cook asked gently. "I-I'm sorry, Sanji. I made a huge mess of your kitchen, sorry. I was just trying to bake a cake," she confessed sadly. "It's okay, (Y/n)-chan, it's not a big deal. It's just a bit of batter on the walls," Sanji said with a smile. "Thanks, Sanji," she replied, smiling softly. "How about I get this cleaned up, and then we can try to bake your cake?" he suggested. "Can't I at least help you clean up my mess? I owe you at least that much," (Y/n) responded regretfully. "Please, (Y/n)-chan, a lady should  never get her hands dirty," the blonde cook replied reassuringly. "I'll come get you once I'm finished cleaning, and we can start remaking what you were trying to bake, okay?" Sanji suggested kindly. "Okay, Sanji-kun," I replied with a nod and a small happy smile as I left the room to talk to Nami and Robin.
     Somehow, Nami convinced Robin and I to play truth-or-dare. "I'll go first," Nami said once we had arrived in her room. "(Y/n), truth or dare?" the ginger-haired navigator asked. "Dare," I replied, excited to see what dare she'll give me. "Hmmm..... how about..." Nami gave me a mischievous grin. "(Y/n), I dare you to spend a whole day with Sanji. Oh, and you have to actually talk to him, not just make small talk,".
"W-wait!" I exclaimed as Nami started pushing me to the kitchen. "(Y/n)-chan, I was just about to come get you!," the blonde cook exclaimed in surprise. I glanced at the walls to see them looking just as pristine as they were before; almost as if they had never been covered in batter in the first place. "Now, how about we get back to baking your cake, (Y/n)-chan?"
For the next hour or two, Sanji showed me how to work the stove, oven, and pretty much everything else that I'd need to know how to use.
"So, (Y/n)-chan, why were you trying to bake a cake?" My face turned red as a tomato. "U-um, well, th-that's 'cause, I-" I stopped and took a deep breath before continuing. "I wanted to bake a cake for you," I finished bravely. He stopped stirring the batter and looked at me in surprise. "For me? That's really kind and thoughtful of you, (Y/n)-chan. Thank you," Sanji said genuinely, giving me a heart-melting smile. "I-Its nothing compared to what you do for us everyday, Sanji-kun," I reply shyly. I didn't catch what he whispered under his breath afterward. Within half an hour, we (as in mainly Sanji) had put the cake batter in the oven and were waiting for it to cook. After he put the cake in the oven, the he stood next to me, and slowly, very slowly and gently, he held my hand with a feather light touch, as if he was afraid may break if he held it any firmer. Light blushes dusted both of our cheeks as we watched the cake slowly bake. "U-uh, (Y/n), I-I need to tell you something," Sanji confessed awkwardly. "M-me too," I said softly. "W-well, I just need to say this: I- "SAAANJIIIII!!! I WANT FOOOOOD!!!" "YOU BAKA CAPTAIN! YOU RUINED THE MOMENT!" Sanji raced over to Luffy to kick him into his senses. I followed him, unable to control my giggles. "Oh! (Y/n)-chan, I'll be right there. I just need to deal with our dumb captain!" he called from the deck. "Okay, don't kick Luffy too hard," I called with a smile, and whispered. "I love you too, Sanji,"
Hello, Reader-chans! Thank you again so much for reading and supporting this story. Remember, you still have more than one month left to vote for which anime character you want me to do to celebrate this story getting 1,000 reads! To vote, either comment or pm me on my profile page! Also, thank you so so much @ashpree15 for requesting! Everyone, please don't feel shy about requesting! I'll try to get to all of your requests as soon as I can. Thank you all so so so much for your support!
~ Dewglow

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