Chapter Two

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*beep-beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep-beep*

I lazily turned my alarm off. "I should really do something about that alarm tune..." I said while groaning. Even though I get to sleep early last night, I still woke up really early in the morning. One or two AM maybe? I dunno. But what I do know is that today, is going, to suck. Not only because I feel sick today, but also because of the late email I got from Miss Morris when I woke up. It says:

"My dear Maggie,

I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm afraid I can't go to your house tomorrow. I have a lot of errands to do, so I'll be really busy, and I might not have time for you. But don't worry. I'm sure that I'll somehow find a way to clear my schedule a bit so we can discuss the next at least only half a day. But look on the bright side! At least you'll have more time to have fun. Anyways, I really have a lot do so, goodbye.

-Miss Morris"

"Ugh... Today is going to suck." I can't stop groaning ever since I got out from bed. It's just that, I really have nothing to do! I always stick to my routine. But now that Miss Morris can't come, I have no idea what to do.

Well I guess I could keep reading my books, or maybe watch TV or something. I kept thinking of fun stuff to do while eating breakfast. Since I was little, I have always found eating a great way to focus on what I'm trying to think.


After breakfast, I helped my brother Jay get ready for school. I also made him lunch. I made him a ham and egg sandwich (his favorite), gave him an apple and a banana, and a cooled grape juice box. Those are his usual lunch. I never get tired of helping my brother out.

So when I'm done helping him I gave him and dad a hug goodbye. Then I went to the kitchen far away from the light from the door. My dad and Jay always go to school together since my dad is the Principal of their school. I always thought of myself if I was normal and don't have Photodermatitis, and that I can actually go outside and go to an actual school. That I don't have to be trapped inside of our house. Somehow, the word trapped just seemed to be the best word to identify my situation right now.

I never get to talk to other kids my age. Heck, I never even get to see them! I sometimes see them but, it's usually too dark to see. The only time I can look out the window is eight o'clock in the evening. "Just to be sure", at least that's what they said. I just want to be normal you know? It's just hard living a life like this, trapped inside your household, just like Rapunzel. Except Rapunzel has really long, wavey blonde hair. While I have back-lenght, wavey brunette hair. The thought of that actually makes me a bit positive about how my life is going to end up. If Rapunzel has her prince charming, how can't I have one? I keep thinking to myself whenever I compare myself to Rapunzel. (Lightbulb)
What if I am like Rapunzel? If I'm correct, Rapunzel managed to escape her tower. So maybe, just maybe... I can escape mine!


I made a plan during dinner. After I eat, I will say that I'm going to bed early. When I get to my bedroom, I will quickly change my clothes into something more descent since I'm only wearing a freaking pajama right now. Then, I hop out of my window, then jump into the bushes. Then I would spend the rest of the night having fun outside. Then before midnight, I would get back to our house through our front door with my keys, then go change my clothes and back to bed with no harm done. Perfect!

I have already done half of my plan. Now the only thing I need to do is the other half. I walked around our street alone. I then only realized how beautiful it is outside. The sky is filled with billions of beautiful stars just like what my parents, Miss Morris, and Jess told me. I was mesmerized. "Wow" I said barely a whisper. That was all I can say, "wow". I kept saying the same word in my brain over and over again. As if that's the last time I could say or think of that word. I felt the grass below my feet. "So this is how it feels like." I have never felt real grass before, since I'm not allowed to go outside.

I kept walking around, but not too far away from our house because I might get lost. I looked at my watch then noticed that it was already 10:30 PM. I never noticed that I have been outside for two hours and thirty minutes. But I don't mind. I just kept wondering around until I felt a big, rough hand grabbing me by my left shoulder. I suddenly froze, not knowing what to do.

"How old are you?" said a man with a deep masculine voice. "How. Old. Are you?" he repeted. Should I tell him about my identity? Can I trust him?

"I'm sixteen sir." I said with an obvious nervous tone in my voice. Still not looking back.

"You know, you shouldn't really be out here. It's past curfew. You can't really be out without any adult supervision." "Hey kid. Turn around. Don't be nervous don't worry, I'm a cop." I did as he say.

When I turned around I saw a tall man, probably in his late thirties, olive hair, and dull green eyes, about six feet tall, towering me a good eight inches. He has broad shoulders and a built body. "Oh, is that so? I'm sorry, I was just- lost." I lied, and he seemed to have noticed it since he raised an eyebrow. "Sorry but I don't believe you. I'm warning you. It's dangerous out here specially in these hours. You better get back home right away." "Yes sir." Is all I can say. I then walked straight back to our house. Before I can reach for the door-

"Hey kid, what's your name?" "Maggie. And yours? Officer..." I waited for him to answer my question. "Officer Sanders. Officer Nicholas Sanders. But call me Nick for short." I gave him a nod, then went into our house using my keys.


Turned out I get to update today. Which is actually really great. ☺️

So, what do you think will happen next? What will happen when Maggie gets back home? Will Miranda catch her sneeking out? And will Maggie and Nick make a good connection with each other?

See what happens next week! Goodbye! 😘😁

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