Part two

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Chapter 2

"Does any one else know about this?"

"I already informed you, No. No one else knows."

"Why do you want to join Starfleet?"

"There are hundreds of Vulcans in command there. Here I am an outsider, a freak. There I can explore deep space with other people like me, I could even get my own star ship."

"Well, you should really tell your parents."

"They will only hold me back. No one can know, I just needed to tell someone. I want you to tell no one. I am to leave in the middle of the night the day after my sixteenth birthday. I will tell Shannon and Chloe but not a single other person. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, but I think it's wrong, I think you should tell them. I will help you and not tell anyone."

The bell went and the class entered the room, I was relegated to my usual seat at the back of the room and while I was there I pulled my hair up like Chloe asked me to. As soon as people saw that I had pulled my hair back, that is when the ear insults came. I just shut them all out. pulled my mind deep inside my body. My face set, unmoving, unemotional. Until someone came and violently grabbed my shoulder, I instantly rose from my seat. "Hey, I was talking to you!" It was Ben, the schools bad boy.

"Yes I know I heard you" I said looking down on him. Being part Vulcan I am very tall 5"9, Ben himself is quite short, he has a little mans complex, he feels the need to prove his masculinity to the rest of the school.

"Don't talk down to me, freak. None of our insults seem to offend you. But what about your dad? The traitor. For marrying that thing. the Vulcan." I held firm.

"My father is a great man. He is one of earths ambassadors to Vulcan. What has your father done?"

"Your dad is a traitor!" he looked at me for a response which I did not give. "I am going to teach you a lesson you will not forget. you dare not insult my dad!" He lunged forward to punch me, I stepped out of the way and ducked my way round to his back and grabbed the base of his neck. I have been taught the Vulcan nerve pinch but I have only used it once. He dropped into a heap on the floor within a single second. Everyone was watching.

"Attacking a Vulcan is highly illogical, we have superior size, strength and agility and could outwit most humans with great ease."

"Go to the head. Now." Mr Salisbury said calmly. I walked out of the room and to the heads office.

After talking to the head I was told I have to be sent home, great my mum is going to flip. when she arrived I told her everything. surprisingly she accepted it, I asked her if I should complete the ritual of Kolinahr. She said I would not be able to because of my human side.

The next day I walked to school and met Shannon and Chloe who instantly questioned me on what happened. I answered all their questions.

The next year passed without a hitch, it was my birthday. Both of my friends met me by the corner shop, it was a Saturday so we didn't have school. "Shannon, Chloe, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Chloe asked.

"I am leaving tomorrow."

"What? Why?"

"Well, I am 16 now and I am sick of all of the torment. I am going to join Starfleet."

"Well, I am coming with you" Chloe stated.

"No. Your home is here. I cannot have you trailing after me and the thought of you being away. What your parents would be devastated. You too Shannon" I placed my hands on both their shoulders and explored their minds. 'I am not going to let her go without us' Chloe's voice clear in my head. 'She is not going to leave without us' "No guys you cannot come with me." 'Hey stay out of our heads.' they both thought it at the same time. "No, I had to know what you wanted"

"We are coming with you whether you like it or not."

"Fine. We leave for Starfleet at midnight, meet me by the brook."

I rushed home to pack and get ready. At midnight I leave. I just had time to write a note.

*Dear Mother and Father,

I am very sorry it has to be like this but I cannot put up with school. I cannot tell you where I am going as neither of you will approve of where I am going. However as Vulcans do not lie I must tell you. I am leaving for Starfleet. Do not try to come after me as I will be long gone by the time you read this. I just would like you to know that it is nothing to do with either of you. I love you both, I love you the most in the world and I will always think of you every day, when I am aboard a ship I will think of you both and how proud you would be knowing that I will be a science officer or a linguist or a navigator or even a captain.

I will visit and will always think of you.

Much Love,

Cara. x

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