Part 4

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He had nearly the same thought of me that I had of him. We both retracted our hands from each others faces. "Mr Spock." But before I could say anything else he walked away. I walked into the lift then down the hallway to find the room I had been assigned. There were three in a room and I was sharing with Chloe and the weapons officer Carol Marcus, conveniently she is the late admiral's daughter. I say late, he was killed by a man named Khan. Chloe was already in the room unpacking her things.

"So?" she said, "How's the bridge? I haven't been down there yet. Bones has given me so much to do already, talk about throwing me in the deep end."


"Oh Dr McCoy. He says everyone just calls him Bones. He also asked to see you down in the med bay for your check up. Apparently every new crew member has to be checked over. I've had mine."

"Tell him I will be down shortly, but first I need your advice. As you know I am part human and I have emotions as I have not completed the ritual of Kolinahr. I think I like the other science officer."

"What? What does he look like?"

"Well he too is Vulcan. Well half Vulcan his mother was human. He is just a touch taller than myself with dark hair cut like so," I gestured with my hands, "and lovely brown eyes."

"Let me guess he also has perfectly sloped eyebrows and pointy ears?"


"Does he like you too? I mean did you do the thing where you touch each others faces and read their minds?"

"If you are referring to the Mind Meld then you would be correct. I read his mind and I saw that he thought the same of me, he could see what I though of him too though."

"Do you know how old he is?"

"Age does not matter in a Vulcan relationship."

"Okay, wait I know a few things about Vulcans and as you are now 16 you should be nearing your first Pon Farr. Right?"

"Yeh that is what I am worried about as is Mr Spock, his next Pon Farr is this year too."

"Great. What are you going to do, I mean you have never experienced it before, I will do some research on the subject but I believe that you should ask Mr Spock about this. I mean he has experienced it before. I heard that if you don't do the deeds you are at great risk of dying, you also become violent and experience blood fever."

"It would be logical to talk to Mr Spock on the topic. I guess his insight would be of use to me as he has been through it before. But what if, now he knows I like him, he wont talk to me?"

"He will have to talk to you some time, you are working with him. but for now get your arse down to med bay, you need your check up. I will also ask Bones about Pon Farr while we are there."

TBC hope you like it please vote and comment xxxxxxxx

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