Chapter 1

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It is a normal morning. The sun steadily creeps up over the horizon, painting the pale sky pink. The road in front of me is glazed with water from the rain shower that happened last night. I stick to the side of it, of course, and continue my early morning jog.

I am carefree, listening to music on my phone as my feet repeatedly hit the ground and propel me forward. I don't care about my social status right now, or my parents' expectations. I am just a normal nineteen-year-old girl, running because I feel like it.

But the high doesn't last for long, and I am sidetracked with worries. My parents have to speak to a crowd today. I don't like when they do—although that is their job as wealthy politicians—because there is always a threat posed to them. Not everyone agrees with their political views, after all. I am anxious that someone will decide to take their disagreements a step too far one day.

I notice that my usual turn is coming up, which leads back into my neighborhood and signals the end of my run. But I don't want to go home just yet. Besides, I still have some energy left.

So I continue jogging straight, into an unfamiliar but fairly decent-looking neighborhood. The houses here are not like mine—instead, they are short and thin, mediocre. They are in direct contrast to our spacious, extravagant mansion.

Something tells me I should turn back; something doesn't seem right. The street is too quiet, and it is unsettling.

But I shake my head briefly, ignoring the thought. It is only there because I am in a foreign place.

The end of the road comes into view, and I decide to turn there and follow it until I arrive at the other turn that will lead me back down to my house. Lost in this plan, I am completely caught off guard when arms grab at me harshly from behind.

I scream, panicked, and struggle to fight his grip, but the unfamiliar man trapping me is relentless. I feel bile rise in my throat when he gropes my chest, and tears fill my eyes. I can't believe this is happening; I am terrified, I am paralyzed.

Fight back, you idiot! my mind yells at me. And suddenly I am more alert than scared.

He clamps a hand over my mouth, and on instinct I bite down on his fingers while simultaneously back kicking him in the groin. Letting go of me for a split second, he cries out, giving me the opportunity to slip out of his arms.

Then I remember that I have a method of defense. I reach for the pepper spray in the waistband of my athletic pants, flipping the safety off and pressing down on the top just as he runs at me again. The mace sprays in his face, causing him to yell in pain and cover his eyes.

I turn and run as fast as I can down the road, fleeing for my life.


"Are you sure you're okay, sweetie?"

I sip the hot chocolate from the mug in my hands. It is sweet and warm and soothing for my stomach. The adrenaline has worn off, but I am still trembling underneath the fluffy blanket covering me. I can't shake the sickening feeling of being harassed out of my mind.

"I think I'm fine now," I mumble to my mom, setting the cup down on the coffee table. Although I still don't understand how somebody could flat-out attack me like that.

My dad, on the other hand, doesn't think I am okay. He leans his face into his hand and sighs. "We need to do something about this," he says. "You shouldn't have to be constantly looking over your shoulder wherever you go. And besides, what if you didn't have your mace with you? You could have gotten raped, or worse!"

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