Chapter 12

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Life has been going too well for me lately, and I don't trust it.

I have always been skeptical of anything that goes right. Why would it? My experience on this Earth has been inherently terrible in every possible way. So naturally, I only see the past three months as a sign that something unfortunate is coming.

Never did I think that I could be this happy.

Let alone because of another person.

Three months ago, Tris and I got together on that beach, the beach where I had my first kiss and where we poured our hearts out to each other. It was a long time coming, and when it finally happened, I was so ready for it.

It has been difficult to live at the mansion, but not for the previous reasons. Now I just have a hard time getting Tris alone without her parents being suspicious. The only instance we can spend quality time with each other is out of the house, unless we want to be caught, which could be catastrophic.

Sneaking around makes our relationship better yet stifled at the same time. I love the secrecy part of it, and the times where I have to pull her into another room to give her a quick kiss because I can't help myself. I love the rebellious aspect of it.

What I don't enjoy is sitting next to each other at dinner and having to be extra stealthy about holding her hand under the table. Or getting strange looks from her parents when I whisper something in her ear, like I am not allowed to do so. It is frustrating that I am frowned upon for spending time with my girlfriend, but that is not in my job description, so I can't blame them for being unaware and undeniably upset if they were to find out.

Tris wants to tell them sometimes, but other times, she tells me it is too early and that we should hold off. I agree. Andrew would have my head if he discovered how often I kiss his daughter. But if we could date for a while, show her parents that this is serious...

And I honestly believe this is long term. This is the first relationship I have ever been in, and I don't care what people say about lovesick young adults; I never want to lose this happiness that I have somehow managed to acquire.


I set my black coffee down on the table, reaching across to hand Tris her hot chocolate.

"Thank you," she says gratefully, taking the cup from me. I smile in response as I take the seat across from her.

Today we chose Starbucks as an excuse to get out and go on a small date. It turned out to be a perfect choice; it was pouring on the way here, and although it is only sprinkling now, it is still chilly and great weather for a warm drink.

"So," I say. There is not much to talk about sometimes. We live in the same house and go everywhere together, so we don't exactly miss anything that happens to the other.

"So," she parrots back, taking a sip of her drink.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I remove it and immediately silence it when I see that Eric, a Dauntless leader, is calling me.

"Who's that?" Tris asks, curious as ever.

I brush her off. "Nobody. Um..." I try to come up with a topic to distract her. "Oh, your parents are going out of town next week, right?" I remember them mentioning something about having to travel to Florida, and she confirms my question with a nod. "Do you want to do something fun while they're gone?"

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