14. Language Miss Marshal

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So I don't know how often I will be updating, but right now writing is definitely helping me...so here you guys go. Plus it amuses me and makes me laugh to read your comments.

Also, mostly because I thought it was pretty funny, I chose the title of this chapter because Chapter 14 of Agent 57 is called Language Mr. Stevenson, and I thought it would be pretty funny if Chapter 14 of Agent 1 was called Language Miss Marshal, what with those two being brother and sister and all.

Thirteen's POV

"I'm speaking from experience, as well as personal knowledge when I say...since she's a lot like me, she should not be in charge of the missile launcher."

Lily's evil laugh and the following explosion only confirm Devin's statement.

"No worries. I can always take over." Olivia says.

"That's a horrifying thought." Kate mutters, crossing her arms over her chest and turning away from her sister. "I for one would like to live to see my next birthday."

"Don't you mean our next birthday?"

"No..." Kate drags out the word. "I mean my next birthday. You'll be dead already."

"Can you two focus on the problem at hand?" Josh asks, irritation lacing his tone.

Kate peers over my shoulder at the screens in front of me. She makes a show of squinting her eyes at the screens before shaking her head.

"What problem? I don't see a problem. Do you see a problem?" She asks Olivia.

Olivia does the exact same thing Kate did. "Nope. No problem." Josh smacks his palm against his forehead.

"Where's Sam?" I interject, keeping my eyes on the screens.

"I've met the guy twice now and suddenly I'm his babysitter?" Josh says sarcastically. I shoot him a glare.

"A simple, I don't know, would've been fine." I grumble. Josh simply shrugs as he picks up one of the guns Devin brought from the table next to me. He lets out a whistle as he makes a show of checking the gun over and pointing it at Kate. She reaches her hand up and swats the barrel away like it's nothing more than a pesky fly.

"Devin go find Cody, Chase, Zack and Sam. They need to be briefed right away."

"No worries we found you." I turn to Chase as he walks into the room and looks around. "Never been in here before. We heard the alarms and figured we needed to find you."

"Where's Sam?" I repeat the question to Chase. He shrugs.

"Haven't seen the guy since the alarm went off."

I bounce my leg up and down and try my best to focus on the screens and making sure the outside of the house is locked down. "I need to find Sam." I announce pushing back from the desk and standing up. "Gear up, this is going to get ugly." I tell them.

I grab a few knives from the table as well as a couple of guns. I also pick up one of the comms Devin brought up and slip it into my ear. I make sure my dagger's strapped securely to my hip before rushing out of the room. There's the sound of another explosion and the house shakes.

"Mayday, mayday. That explosion was not my doing." Lily's voice sounds over the comms. "We're going to be having company soon."

There's another three explosions. "Now those were totally my doing." I roll my eyes and continue down the hall to the staircase.

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