Chapter 2

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A Chance Encounter

Our little band of six was about half way to Magnolia. We were all relaxing and Zera wanted to learn magic, so me and Mavis tried to teach her magic. The three of us were sitting in a spring and talking while trying to teach Zera magic. Zera and Mavis were talking about their past.
While they were talking I sensed a magic similar to the magic that I canceled out almost 600 years ago. So I knew that it could mean only one thing. Zeref was near by. I managed to slip away from Zera and Mavis and went to look for him. I was whispering his name when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Zeref. My first thought was to hug him but I restrained myself from doing so. My second thought was the magic he possessed. Over the 600 years I spent in that village I managed to find the name of the magic Zeref uses, well it's more of a curse, it's called Ankhseram Black Magic Curse or better known as the Contradictory Curse. The easiest way I can explain the curse is if he disregards the value of life he can control his magic, otherwise the incident that happened 600 years ago happens.
"Hey Zeref."
"So you still remember my name?"
"Of course. How could I not?"
"Well it's just, it's been over 600 years and I would think you would have busied yourself with other things."
"And you thought I would be dead."
"Well... yes."
"Well for your information I'm immortal. As are you I see."
He was about to say something else but he restrained himself from doing so. He then realized that I was in my swimsuit. I then noticed a small hint of pink on his cheeks, probably because my swimsuit was a two piece and it covered me fairly well, but let's just say that many people lusted for female spellslingers for a reason.
At that point I didn't know what to say, I didn't really want to start talking about the past. And it didn't look like Zeref was going to say anything anytime soon. As I was trying to think of something to talk about I hear Mavis and Zera calling for me. I look at Zeref and he is about to leave but I grab his arm like I did last time.
"Please don't go... I don't want to be left alone after they all die."
He looks at me, and I can see sympathy in his eyes. He knows what it's like to be alone for really long periods of time. He nods his head and we decide that we should call him something different, so he wouldn't be discovered as the black wizard Zeref. We decided to go with Spriggan. Mostly because we thought something like Z would be to obvious. Especially with someone as intelligent as Mavis, Red Lizard.
Eventually Mavis and Zera caught up with us and I introduced Zeref as Spriggan. They were confused at first but they welcomed him with open arms. As they were talking about magic. I thought to myself how the others would accept Zeref and how this would play out. If he has a outburst like he did when we first meet then that would spell disaster. But he seems different then when we first meet. He seems more, in control then before, but at the same time he seems different. But, how long can he keep his control? I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

We finally made it to Magnolia. Magnolia was huge, I couldn't believe it. I had never been in a real city before and I have to admit, it was amazing! But first things first before I can go exploring, we need to find Blue Skull and get the relic from Mavis's guild back.
We wondered around Magnolia for a few minutes. We had to ask a few people where the guild hall was, but we found it in time. I had told Zeref to stay back so nothing would happen. If he had one of his 'out bursts' then I would have to stop him and have to explain why I can cancel out his magic and his magic in the first place.
While we were wondering around Magnolia we stumble upon Kardia Cathedral. And what's upon it astonishes all of us, it's a skeleton dragon. Between the six of us we manage to subdue it, but our fight attracted someone else, members of Blue Skull. Mavis creates an illusion to scare the members into telling them where the Tenrou Jade is but their master comes up and tells the members that it's just an illusion. He sends his members to attack.
Yuri and Precht defend us.
"Everyone get out of here!"
"No I won't leave you guys! I'll stay and help!"
"Seanna we have to go now!"
I look at Mavis, she's right. There's not much that I can do right now. But I still feel bad for leaving them. The four of us, me, Mavis, Zera, and Warren, manage to escape unharmed.
When we made it back to where Zeref was he looked at us with concern, we were all out of breath. When Yuri and Precht returned they were both beaten up and Precht had lost an eye. Mavis and Zera were patching them up when I pulled Zeref off to the side.
"Hey Zeref?"
"Is something the matter Seanna?"
"Just a little."
"What is it?"
"Do you think you could teach them magic? It seems only Mavis knows magic and the rest of them need to learn, otherwise they'll keep getting hurt. So please," I clasped my hands together, "teach them magic."
He thought for a few seconds. And he reluctantly nodded. I was ecstatic, the rest of the group could finally learn magic!
When we returned Yuri and Precht were much better then they were and Precht had a eye patch. And for the next few days Zeref taught them magic, I occasionally helped. And witching a few days we were ready to take on Blue Skull and take back the Tenrou Jade.

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