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We are a dysfunctional family

Bold - Ethan
Normal - family

          Big bro sent a picture

((I'll make something up but pretend the card is open and has words))Ethan Robert Kardashian and Jennifer shrader Lawrence are officially inviting you to their wedding on Saturday may 13,2017

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((I'll make something up but pretend the card is open and has words))
Ethan Robert Kardashian and Jennifer shrader Lawrence are officially inviting you to their wedding on Saturday may 13,2017

Kimmy👠:fuck Ethan congrats!

Koko💋:aww congrats big brother

Kylie💄:ahhh she must have been

Kourt☕️:congrats Ethan!

She did but the camera for KUWTK caught it since they were over so it's gonna be apart of the show for everyone to see

Kenny-bear🐻:that's awesome wait so does this mean the camera saw our reaction because their hear too!

I guess so but I'm happy guys all this drama and everything and In the end we got engaged

Koko💋: do Jens parents know?

Actually I called and asked him for his permission and he said yes along with "if you hurt her no one will hear from you again" which scared me and made me almost shit myself

Kimmy👠:hope it worked but mom is gonna be so happy to hear this along with Caitlyn

Koko💋:where is the wedding gonna be at?

I thought maybe we could get married in a outdoor wedding those are always the best?

Koko💋:alight that's perfect

Kylie💄:don't forget to have tons of kids!

Stop go have kids with tyga

Wait don't do that your still too young!

Kylie:yeah yeah I know Ethan "not till your 30" smh

Hey someone add Scott I already know kourt told him The news I can practically feel his excitement

Koko💋 added scotty🤤 to "we are a dysfunctional family"

Scotty🤤:your getting married and didn't bother to tell me first!

Oh yeah sure I could have texted you saying "hey Scott I'm getting married and your my best man along with Kanye" might wanna tell Kanye that Kim "I'll probably see you at the wedding 👋"

Scotty🤤:yes that is perfect babe

Ethan has left the group chat

Kimmy👠:your relationship in weird

Scotty🤤:no kourt just doesn't let me have a relationship with Ethan

Kourt☕️:Jesus Scott yes my brother is bi but doesn't mean you two are actually together together

Scotty🤤 has left the group chat

Koko💋:you hurt his feelings

Kourt☕️:fucking hell

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