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Jennifer - bold
The kardashians - regular

Ethan's wifey named the group chat "I have news for you hoes but don't tell Ethan"

Khlo money🔪💕:ooooh are we keeping secrets from Ethan now tell mama Khloe everything

Kourt🏀:first Kim is in here so she has to promise not to say a word

The spy🕵🏼:bible I swear I won't

Okay with the wedding coming up something has happened and now I'm scared

Model babe(Kendall): your not bailing on Ethan to run off with someone else are you?

Kylie the pie:gosh I hope not but Ethan might with Scott who knows

Scott😤:that's rude and possibly true

Scott😤:that's rude and possibly true

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I'm pregnant....

Kim the spy🕵🏼:ahhhhhhh Minnie you or Ethan!

Khlo money🔪💕:I can confirm she screamed

Model babe:when are going to tell Ethan?

I-I don't know I'm scared to...what-what if he doesn't want the baby?

Khlo money:sweetie Ethan will want this kid I promise we've seen how he is with Kim and kourts kids

Kourt🏀:yeah I see how big his smile gets with them

Rob☠️:my brother knocked you up? Sweet

You are not helping at all

Kim the spy:guys shut up and Jen tell him now he'll be happy I promise

Alright I will

The other Kardashian brother (a Jennifer Lawrence love story)Where stories live. Discover now