Phone call

860 10 0

Bold - Jennifer
Regular - Khloe
*crying on other end*

Jen are you alright what's happened?

Me and Ethan just got into a fight and it's not good I didn't mean for an argument to happen...

Please tell me your alright

I'm fine I guess...but it escalated too where it shouldn't have Khloe I-I- I don't know what to do....

Jen please tell me what happened

We just kept yelling...and arguing with each and then the wedding was suddenly called off...

How did the argument start Jen

I....i lost the baby and never told him until today

How long did you not say anything?

Three weeks...I was scared and he was so happy to be a father I didn't want to hurt him Khloe you have to know that please

Where is my brother now?

I don't know.....he just packed so many things and left my house in his car

Alright Jen...I'm bringing kourt and Kim over with me

Alright tha-that's fine I love you guys

We know babes we do as well we're gonna try and sort this out

*call ended*

Bet you didn't see that coming....probably gonna hate me for this though but They will break up for awhile maybe.... 3 months and then get back together

The other Kardashian brother (a Jennifer Lawrence love story)Where stories live. Discover now