Text & real life

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Text message between Jennifer & Liam

Catnip🐯:Liam I need help
Sent at 6:30pm

                            Gale🔫:yeah you do

Catnip🐯:I'm fucking serious Liam!

                            Gale🔫:well this must be pretty serious if you just cursed at me what's wrong Jen?

Catnip🐯:I'm in love with Ethan but since he's with his whore of a girlfriend I don't know anymore or what to do

                       Gale🔫:holy shit I knew you were in love with him!

Catnip🐯:oh shut up hemsdork but remember we have a problem?

                     Gale🔫:and what's that?

Catnip🐯:his girlfriend Macy?

                   Gale🔫:i know someone who can deal with that rat problem of everyone's
Read at 7:00pm

(Here comes the fondue))
Texts between Macy & Ethan


                              Ethan👑:yes love?

Macy💕:i want you right now to come home and fuck me

                          Ethan👑:I'm at the studio maybe tomorrow?

Macy💕 sent 3 pictures

Macy💕 sent 3 pictures

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Or now please 😏😘

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Or now please 😏😘

                       Ethan👑:I'm on my way then

Macy💕:I'll be waiting

Ethan's pov

After getting out of my car and quickly walking to the front door to mine and Macy's home but lately that sentence didn't seem to fit well in my mouth when I said it but I put it off as I knew Macy was waiting for me in the bedroom. As I walked up the stairs and straight to the room on the right I opened the door to see Macy in her robe smiling as she stood "finally I thought you were taking forever to just tease me baby" she told me walking over swing her hips a little "what's wrong you look a little tense?" She asked me putting her hand on my shoulder tracing small patterns slowly "just stressed from singing...getting ready to film catching fire,and my sisters you know" I spoke truthfully staring in Macy's eyes because one thing she hated from me was when I would lie to her "well I can work that out my king let me do all the work while you try and relax alright" she told me before she started taking my clothes off "you know I love you Macy right?" I asked her as we were suddenly on the bed as she straddled me staring seductively in my eyes "yeah...I know baby" she said before she slowly slid down onto my cock suddenly letting out a small curse "fuck" I spoke my head going back a bit "mmmh yeah exactly what we're doing Ethan" she said with a small giggle suddenly sucking on my neck which I knew she would leave a hickey,I leaned to her and started to do the same when I suddenly felt her nails go on my back moving them slowly "i want people to know your mine and mine only your my property my king and no one else's people should know by now" she told me as she started moving up and down little by little making small moans and whimpers as well "fuck e-Ethan your so hard I...I want this night to be memorable baby" she started to bounce up and down moaning louder as she held on tightly "yeah...Ethan yes yes yes fuck!" She yelled out keeping her eyes closed I held her close to me as i laid down on the bed letting her have more advantage she yelled some more as I had my hands on her hips helping her move up and down faster making her suddenly yell out "fuck yes right there!.....fuck I'm gonna cum I'm gonna cum" she told me suddenly letting out a cry of pleasure as I felt her juices on my cock drip as she got up and later next to me breathing heavily as she pulled the covers over "that was great don't you think king?" She asked as I only nodded she giggled before cuddling next to me Jennifer her name popped in to my head for some reason,I can't like her that would make Macy cry and be heartbroken I thought looking down at her before falling asleep.

God that was horrible but comment to let me know what you think

The other Kardashian brother (a Jennifer Lawrence love story)Where stories live. Discover now