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Harry's Pov:

I was sitting next to jay the whole way home on the plane. She had slept almost the

whole trip and to be honest she looked kind of cute... Her little smile and eyes closed.

We shared her blanket she had brought with her and her head was resting on my

shoulder while the arm closet to me was holding onto my own.

I was really upset at how who ever that guy she came to see earlier. She doesn't

deserve to be treated like that...never, by any guy. In fact no girl should ever be treated

like that, it was a well known fact that it is wrong to 'cheat' on someone behind their

back or cheat at all. But I mean I'm glad they aren't together now, not to be rude or

anything, because that means she's fair game and I get a shot to make her happy and

I can finally call her mine without her telling me she's taken and is in a long distance

relationship. If she feels the same way I think I'll be the happiest man to ever walk the


I saw her eyes slowly flutter open and her smile grew.

"Hey..." She said stretching her arms out above her head.

"Have a good rest beautiful?" I kissed her fore head and pulled her into my chest.

"Definitely, I dreamed about you...and me..."

"Oh really, did you now" I did that thing with my eyebrows which made her blush

"Oh stop it ya perv...I don't need to tell you what I fantasize about in my dreams..."

I couldn't help myself from laughing, I didn't care if people stared at me.

The radio abruptly turned off and the voice came on.

"Attention please turn off all devices we will be landing soon, thank you"

She reached down to grab her bag her bag off the ground and started packing up all her

stuff she had gotten out and I did as well.

The plane landing about ten minutes later and we walked off the plane together and

made our way to where our luggage was waiting for us. We grabbed all our stuff and

walked outside together and I flagged down a taxi for us to take home. We decided to go

up to the apartment I was staying because she didn't want to leave me quite yet. I think

she felt a little abandoned after what happened with her ex in London. When we got to

the building we unloaded and carried our stuff up to the room and made a little bit of

small talk but we mostly just stared at each other in the elevator. Her face was so cute.

Each time she would look at me I would already be looking at her and she would bite

her lip, blush and look away and eventually I would laugh.

When the elevator dinged at our floor I took her luggage and carried it to my room even

though she protested.

As soon as we walked in the door I dropped the stuff, shut the door and pinned her

against the wall. I started kissing up her neck slowly.

"Harry..." She whispered.

"What is it love?"

"Do you...love me?" She asked looking down.

I tilted her head up and looked dead in her eyes.

" of course I do. And I will never stop."

She jumped up and wrapped her legs around me and stated kissing me and I kissed

back instantly. My tongue darted in her mouth as did here and we explored each other

until we needed to breathe. I started walking into my bedroom as she was kissing me

down my neck. I laid her on the bed and kissed her again. It started getting really

heated and I never wanted to stop. She started tugging at the hem of my shirt and I

pulled away to take it off. I reached down for her and gently took it off her.

We continued like this until she was only in her bra and underwear and I in my boxers.

I was about to undo her bra when I looked up to her face an saw a new expression. I

think it was fear.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing... I just don't know if I'm ready to do this right now. Harry I'm sorry" she said

as tears began escaping her eyes.

"No no, don't cry. It's ok I don't mind waiting."


"Of course. Let's just sleep."

I laid down next to her and wrapped my arm underneath her and brought her head to

my chest and I felt her cuddle into me and a while later I think she fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2014 ⏰

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