Hot Chocolate

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Harry's Pov:


I heard a very faint knock just then, It was small, but scarred the crap out of me! I

got up and very carefully walked out of my room and down the little hall to the door.

I peeked through the hole to see a very scarred looking Jay.

Harry's Pov:

I was so happy to see Jay standing outside of my door, my face lit up with a smile, a

very concerned smile, but still. I opened the door to her.

"What's wrong love?" I said while I hugged her, she started crying even more now.

"I had a horrible dream and I was back at the pool" she said in between sobs

"...and I fell in the pool trying to get to Lola to help her again and no one was there to

save me or her and then Lola woke me up and I just couldn't stop thinking about you."

Se said still crying. I felt so bad for her, she has had a rough night and all. I hugged her

for comfort.

We hugged for what seemed like forever and I tried calming her now by just talking to

her now.

"It's ok love. I'm here now, I wouldn't let you drown or Lola choke on those chips. I'm

here, you'll be ok." I said with my head resting on hers, after a second, pull away a

little bit and continue

" love, how about we go inside really quietly, I make you some hot chocolate and we

just go sit in my room?"

"Ok" she finally lifted her head up so I could see her face. She was so beautiful. We

walked into our room as I held her hand to head her around to the kitchen area.

When we got in there we found Zayn with his head in the fridge eating something. I

made a noise and he spun around scarred.

"Oh my jeez! Harry you scarred me!" He yell whispered. "And what is she doing here

this early in the morning?"

"She couldn't sleep and kept having nightmares, she also couldn't stop thinking about

me, which is so cute because I couldn't either and so she came over here and we are

going to get some hot chocolate and sit in my room." I said

"Ok, fine but keep it down." He said as he went back into the fridge and grabbed to

cups of pudding and a spoon. He could tell I was looking at him weird.

" what, you get a girl in your room, I get food in mine" he said as he ran down the hall.

The kitchen light was already on so I walked over to the box on the counter and

grabbed out two packs of the Nestlé hot cocoa mix with marshmallows and poured it

into the blue mugs with a cup of milk and heated it in the microwave for a minute.

Then when it was done we tip toed down to my room and I shut the door. I hope I

didn't make her feel uncomfortable by this action. I went and sat on my bed and patted

the spot next to me welcoming her to sit down next to me, which she did.

Jays Pov:

When I knocked on the door there wasn't an answer and I was starting to think it was a

bad idea coming across the hall, then Harry opened the door. I was so happy to see him

right now.

"What's wrong love" he asked me as soon as he opened opened the door. He looked

concerned. Aw, he was concerned:)

"I had a horrible dream and I was back at the pool" I couldn't hold it anymore, I

completely broke down crying, after a second I continued talking.

"...and I fell in the pool trying to get to Lola to help her again and no one was there to

save me or her and then Lola woke me up and I just couldn't stop thinking about you."

When I was done talking I looked into his gorgeous green eyes. Then he hugged me. It

felt so good when he did. Then he started talking with his British accent that made

every girl just completely melt.

"It's ok love. I'm here now, I wouldn't let you drown or Lola choke on those chips. I'm

here, you'll be ok." He rests his head on my head when he's down talking for a second

then pulls away a little bit.

" love, how about we go inside really quietly, I make you some hot chocolate and we

just go sit in my room?"

"Ok" I said this really softly as I lifted my head. He smiled as he pulled away and

grabbed my hand. He led me down the hall to the kitchen and we saw Zayn shoving his

face with food, I think we scarred him though when he saw us.

"Oh my jeez! Harry you scarred me!" He yell whispered. "And what is she doing here

this early in the morning?" Zayn yell/whispered

"She couldn't sleep and kept having nightmares, she also couldn't stop thinking about

me, which is so cute because I couldn't either and so she came over here and we are

going to get some hot chocolate and sit in my room." Harry said back to him smiling

Zayn rolled his eyed "Ok, fine but keep it down."

Zayn went back into the fridge and grabbed two packs of pudding, harry started

looking at him weird.

"What, you get a girl in your room, I get food in mine" then he ran off down the hall.

Harry started making hot chocolate and while it was in the microwave it smelt so good.

When it was done he led me down to his room silently and he shut the door behind

him. I got a little nervous, but it was fine. He sat on his bed and patted the spot next to

him. I sat down next to him.

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