Back to the room

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Jays Pov:

I drove back to the hotel with Lola, Harry and Niall. The whole time we were sitting in

the car going back, Harry had his arm around me comforting me. He could tell I was

still a little freaked from the pool thing though, but I wouldn't admit it. I never admit to

being scarred, EVER.

"Are you sure you will be alright till the morning love?" Harry asked me as he pet the

top part of my nose with his finger. He was very close now.

"I think I'll be ok Harry" I said with a bit of sarcasm.

"Ya I'll be there with her anyways, it's not like she'll be alone or anything." Lola said

still facing forward.

Me and Harry started to laugh a little at Lola, we were watching check out Niall from

the corner from her eye.

"What are you two giggling about?" Niall asked.

"Oh nothing, it's really nothing Niall" Harry said through laughs.

We pulled into the parking lot of the hotel and Harry helped me out of the car, but

instead of putting his hand back on my lower he reached for my hand, I didn't look pull

away though. I liked it though.

"What floor are you on love?" Harry asked Lola and I.

"Floor 20" I replied.

He he hit the button marked 20 and the elevator went up with no stops surprisingly.

When the door opened he asked me my room number so I told him.

"Seriously room 130? We are in 131!" He exclaimed.

"Come and see us some time loves" he said to me and Lola as we walked down the hall.

When we got to our room, Harry kissed my forehead and let go of my had smiling. He

walked into his room, which was just directly across the hallway.

I was so tired along with Lola, it was 2:30 now and I just wanted rest, that's all. So we

threw on our matching pjs, they were just black Sophie shorts and a shirt we got from a

drake concert.

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