Hospital Bed

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Lola's Pov:

I was aloud in the room Jay was laying in. She was only scheduled to be here for

another hour. Maybe less if she made progress. We didn't need to call any family of

hers because it wasn't needed. We had been here for three hours now, just notched that

wow. It was almost two in the morning.

"One of the boys would like to know if they can come in" the nurse said. I didn't even

see her come in.

"Uhh...yeah that would be fine, send him in" I stuttered.

Harry walked in.

"How is she?" He look really concerned.

"We'll, she's not going to die and she's breathing, I've managed a few words from her,

so that's promising but ya..." I trailed off.

"Would you mind...if...uh...could I just be alone with her for a few minutes?" He asked.

I hesitated at first "um yeah, that'd be fine, take your time Harry"

I left the room and found the other boys in the lobby. I sat down by Niall. He put a

comforting arm around me and told me everything would be ok and kissed my

forehead. I knew she would be ok but sometimes I just need to be reassured of my


Harry's Pov:

I kneeled down next to her. She had tubes running through and up her nose and there

were tubes connected to her arm as well. I said a prayer for her, that she would

definitely be ok. Ask prayed I set my hands in her right hand and continued praying,

I'm pretty sure a few tears escaped me, then I saw her eyes open just a little, it made

me smile.

"Hey love" I whispered.

She smiled "hey" she gripped my hand "I want to leave this place so bad"

I laughed at this, I wanted to as well, but not to get away from her, just this place.

The nurse walked back in.

"Jay, ok your up. Let me get these tubes off your face, the you can leave this place."

She walked over to her and took the tubes off of her and helped her up off the cot. I put

my hand around her waist for 'support' and we walked out to the lobby to fetch the

boys and Lola.

"Let's go" I said while I continued to the doors.

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