Chapter 7

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"So what do you want for dinner?"

"I dunno."

"Then I'm making ramen." Bobby gathers his materials and ingredients for their meal.

"Chicken or original?"


"Chicken or original? Which one are you making?"

"Salem, are you serious?"

"Yes, which one?" Bobby is in complete bafflement.

"Salem, chicken is original."


"Whatever. That's what I'm making." Salem lies on the sofa, merely grunting in response. After a moment, his eyes widen in realization. Springing off of the sofa he dashes to his brother with a grin on his face.



Salem fills the pot with water and puts the noodles in the pot himself. He turns his head to his brother. 

"You know what I want you to do right?" Salem's smile still on his face as he asks.

Salem's request finally sticking, he responds. "No."

"C'mon, I know you can do it."

"No. I can't"

Salem slams his fist onto the counter next to the stove. "And why not? This is the perfect way to try to control your powers easily."

"I don't how I'd do it, man! It's scary." Bobby hangs his head, as if shame were pouring itself onto him. Salem ponders leaving silence in the place for a response until enlightenment strikes him. He moves himself next to his brother.

"Put your hands around the pot. Don't question, just do it. Now think of this." Bobby obeys.

"There is a flame inside you. You have the ability to channel that fire and project into reality. No one is telling you that it has to be in this colossal plume of fire. Instead, just bring out the heat, not the flame."

"Just the heat."

"Yes. You don't need the fire. Just heat up the pot." Bobby's mind eases. He closes his eyes, and gazes into himself in search of said flame. Conducting the heat from his chest, to his arms, his hands and to the pot, a bubble rises and quickly pops. Then another, and another, until the water in the pot is now boiling. A smile comes to the boy's face as he marvels at his accomplishment. 

"Yes that's it! You're doing it."

"I am. I'm making us ramen."

"You're making us ramen!"

"I'M MAKING RAMEN! YES! WOO!" With a splish, the water rapidly evaporates into steam, leaving a pot with cooked noodles, and a chicken scent in the air.

"Welp." Salem emphasizes the p.

Bobby ehhs in sass to Salem, to receive a more sass filled ehh in return. The elder one tries to hold back his laughter. Salem with a squeak loses himself into the humor of the situation  and cackles at his brother's blunder. Bobby's resolve follows suit as he then also loses himself into laughter.

"Well I made dinner!" Bobby manages to let out giggling at his own falter. Their laughing fit is quickly halted by a knock at the door. Knowing that Violet shouldn't be home for another two hours, Salem, taking charge, walks a step toward the door. He snaps his fingers and point to the door, requesting that Bobby open it.

"Why me?" Bobby mouths.

"Because I have a plan. Now go." Bobby makes for the door.

"Coming!" Salem calls to the stranger. With a wave of his hand for a signal, Bobby opens the door then hides behind it. The door reveals Hank Pym behind it.

"Hello, son. Is this the Polon-"

"Yes." Salem responds sternly. 

"I'm here to apologize."

"You're a bit late for that one, must be the old bones."

"I know. However, there is something I need to discuss with the family."

"The matriarch is at work, and the children are out. I'll send a message."


"The elder child, Violet is now the head of the house. Arthur and Diana adopted another boy before they died. The matriarch is at work and the children are out."

"I know." Pym's inflection changes as if he was addressing another topic.

"That's good."

"About their son." Pym lowers his head. "I know about Bobby." His tone is solemn.

Finally at the same page, a silence waves over them. 

"Why did you wait? Why didn't you come to them when it mattered the most?" Salem's inflection changes as well.

"I was afraid I would have made things worse." Dr. Pym looks to Salem, seeing a knowing in his eyes.

"Why did you come now? What do you need from us?"

"Just to talk with Bobby. I want to discuss a possible employment with me." Bobby, steps from behind the door, to Pym's face. 

"That lab already took something from me." Resentment fills his voice.

"I'm not referring to the lab that your parents were working at. I would like to discuss your mutation." Salem snaps his fingers. The door slams shoving Pym into the house. He extends his hand out toward Pym then raises it, lifting Pym from the air and holding him against the door.

"How could possibly know about that?" Salem demands answers.

Pym struggles in futility to break loose of the invisible hold Salem has on him.

"Please put me down."

"Answer the question!"

"Charles Xavier!" Pym yells. "I met with Charles Xavier to discuss possible causes of the explosion! Please put me down."

"So you spoke with Charles Xavier?"

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