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Peppa has always had a fascination with furries..

Peppa pretty much has an addiction with furries. That's why her whole gang consists of furries. This time, she wants something a little more special with a furry. She b thinking of furry love, woAh.

Boots walked into Peppa's classroom, a bit nervous about his first day attending a school for furries. Everybody stared at Boots as he threw gang signs at everyone. He had a hat with "SUPREME" labelled. His bottom teeth had a thin silver lining on the surface, and he wore the most emo clothing and makeup in existence.

Peppa felt her heart beat faster at the sight of the mysterious creature, but wowza, he was gorgeous.

"INTRODUCE YOURSELF!!", scremed Madam Gazelle.

"Yo, yo, me name's Boots. I hope you all can become my fam.", said the monkey.

Peppa then grabbed the monkey by his ankle and patted his Jordans.

Nothing happened afterwards as an awkward silence fills the room for 3 minutes (basically until the parents come).

Peppa then ran outside and got into her barbie jeep. The class went outside and stared in awe at Peppa's amazing car. Peppa then drove off without her family.

Peppa had no idea how to get home. She then saw a sign that said that the area was forbidden. Peppa mischievously laughed because she already trespassed by one centimeter.

"OMG GET OFF MY LAWN!! I AM SO TELLING DORA!!", yelled a familiar from above.

Peppa looked up. It was Boots.

"OMG BOOTS, MY LOVE!! I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE SO SUGOI (aka amazing)!!", screamed Peppa.

Then sounded a nuke alarm. Oh well.

"Get rekt my mates lmao!!", yelled a computer generated voice.

Everybody is now ded. Salil Sawarim played all over the place through the loud speakers. Rip

I thank you for reading this joke of a story, my mate! Seriously, this is a joke story. I hoped you liek it though lmao.

Boots X Peppa PigWhere stories live. Discover now