11- Official End

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Everyone sat in silence.

For 7744789954367764367854 nanoseconds.

There was an awkward silence.

Eyes stared at other eyes.

Well, Peppa was wiggling her eyebrows at Boots, but that's nothing special.

Then, everyone randomly died but Boots and Peppa.

Boots has cat ears now.

Peppa is familiar with the scenario. She reads a lot of Yandere neko bois x reader.

Boots: hue hue

Peppa: I'm stuck in this forever, aren't I..

Boots: yeah

Peppa: What about Suzy?

Boots: I dunno

The pediatricians took Boots away.

Now, it's just Peppa.

Just Peppa

Everyone died.

Now you're stuck with Peppa.


In an abyss.

Everyone was deleted.

But Peppa, you

And an annoying dancing hippopotamus.


Peppa struggled to delete the hippo


It was in her file.

Now comes the awkwardness as the hippo continues to dance and an irritated Peppa stares into your soul.

The combination of the two was quite awkward.

Just Peppa

Just the Dancing Hippopotamus

Peppa is gone now

Your new bae is a dancing hippo with the gender of an attack helicopter.


However, that's not all.

The hippo had an ex girlfriend.

The ex girlfriend is a rock.

Not THE Rock.

Okay, maybe THE Rock.

You feel dizzy in the black abyss.

You see your bae, Shia LaBeof, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Nicolas Cage, Jabba the Hut, and Elvis.

It's weird

Actually, not weird

You've definitely seen weirder.

If anything, this is as close to normal your life can get.

Boots X Peppa PigWhere stories live. Discover now