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You may have thought this was over, but I decided to be a jerk and make some people wait for four months to ask a singular question:

Should I continue this?

Hahaha okay. I know some authors do that, but not me. I'm actually gonna continue this thing for the first time in a while.

Peppa's POV

Everything was back to how it wuz. Alm0zt like tiem itzelf has reversed. Right when I was patting a monkey's Jordans. Not any monkey, but my love. Boots. Oh, how his gang signs amazed me. They quite captivated my heart.

"Alright, you can stop patting my Jordans.", said my love.


"De-demo, sukidayo Boots-kun!", I shouted with each word pouring from my heart.

"DID YOU JUST THREATEN ME?!?!!?!", yelled Senpai.

"Sumimasen.", I whispered.

Boots threw angry gang signs at me.

(A/n: to translate the above phrases:

"B-but, I love you Boots!"

I hope this helped.)

"Alright, so it's time to go home. Okay, nya?", spoke Madam Gazelle.

I ditched everybody and hopped into my obviously customized neon yellow barbie jeep, while everybody stared in awe at my new car. Just like last time.

I drove off, remembering how to get home, rather than how to trespass on private property by a centimeter. I headed home without my family because I can.

As soon as I arrived home, I noticed something a bit different. I smelled something odd coming from the counter. It was a cake that looked perfectly iced and said the following:

"Happy Peppa removal day!
Here is your cake, peppa!
You have to live on your own, now that you are 10"

Wow, thanks mom. I took the cover off and ate the cake. All for me. Wait- now I had a feeling in my brain trying to tell me something. What did the cake say again?

"Yo.", said the voice of my love.

I looked up to find him in the front doorway. I love how well the light illuminated his SUPREME hat, Emo: the Band T-shirt, black pants with chain, black boots, black makeup, and silver tooth lining.

"If you gon' keep starin', juss take a picture.", he spoke.

I took out my camera from thin air and finally pressed the button when I was assured the picture would end out perfect.

"Yo, I was bein' sarcastic."

"Well, you insisted that I would take a picture."

"And I jus' stopped by to say sorry or somethin'. A shiba inu gave me the translations."

"Okay. Well, I think I'm getting kicked out so I'm basically homeless.", I said emphasizing on the fact that I think so.

"Then I guess live ova at my place or somethin'."


"Jus' don' complain to me that my homies are too loud or that I invite them ova too often."


I feel my heart pounding already. I loved how it played in the rhythm of the flute in "Mask Off".

Boots X Peppa PigWhere stories live. Discover now