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Suzy is now getting taken away by pediatricians.

Nobody is confuzzled.

Oh well.

Peppa slowly eats her Unhappy Meal in the corner of the maid café.

Peppa is on her break.

Her unhappy meal contains salty cake and no toy.

Peppa is unhappy about the whole no toy thing.

Her face deformed into a frown.

Then, the fire alarm went off. Peppa looked over at Zoe Zebra. She is holding onto liquid nitrogen for some reason. Oh well.

Liquid nitrogen is delicious on pizza.

Then, a monkey stared at Peppa as she ate her salty cake.

"Here, eat cake with frosting that contains sugar." Said the devolved homo sapiens species.

Peppa looked up at the hawt monkey.


"Oh okay. Wanna look at my meme collection?"

Peppa nodded. He's absolutely perfect. First he's hot, and now he has a meme collection.

Scrolling through the memes, Peppa seems to slowly remember of her past life.

WoAh, BUddha ThE SevEnteeNtH

Boots X Peppa PigWhere stories live. Discover now