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"It may seem as the hardest thing to do, but you have to forget the guy who forgot about you."

-The Notebook

* * *

You can do this, you can do this.

Fuck, no I'm not ready to face Damon yet. Butterflies take over my stomach, but not the frilly exciting ones, these are like a tornado bringing destruction to my insides. I pace before the windows, flashes of lightning still cascading across the black black sky.

Roman rests his elbows on his knees and runs his fingers through his hair, looking almost as stressed as me. "Can't we call someone else and have them come get us instead?" My tone is wobbly as I sort through my options.

"We could, but he's already on his way, and knowing Damon he won't turn back even if we do get someone else to come," He releases a drawn out sigh. "Fel he's doing this to hurt you. In some fucked up way he's trying to get back at you," He reaches out and captures my hand, ceasing my steps mid-stride.

Tears threaten to fall as I take deep inhales and exhales, but it feels like the air barely reaches my lungs, leaving me wheezy and breathless. "Fel," He squeezes my hand, forcing my attention back to him. "I'll be here the whole time, I won't let him hurt you anymore than he already has," My smile feels insincere on my lips as I give a weak attempt to show I'm okay.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" At the sound of the familiar tone, I Instantly jump away from Roman. I take a few steps backward as Roman stands to face his brother.

My gaze lands on Damon for a fleeting moment, noting how his hair isn't the same mess it was earlier when that girl was running her hands through it. Instead it's thinly coated with rain, causing it to droop into the eyes that completely skip over me and find Roman. It's like he doesn't see me, like I'm not even here.

Damon's never made me feel so small in my life, but now it's like I'm invisible. Even more invisible than when I was a little girl desperately trying to earn my mom's attention, only to come up with shattered hopes and an aching heart. Only at one point Damon actually loved me, I can't say the same about my mother.

At some point we became strangers again. I never thought I'd see the day I couldn't run into his arms, because his attention is fixated on someone new. Roman glances over at me as he greets his brother but I turn away to shield my face from his all-knowing eyes. If he sees my expression he'll realize how much this is killing me and I don't want any more of his pity.

"Come on let's go," Damon asserts and ushers Roman away from the seating area. I remain motionless, because it sounds like the offer isn't directed toward me, only Roman. Maybe I was supposed to find another ride home after all.

Roman pushes him away and strides to the door with Damon a few feet behind. He swivels around just as he's about to face the bitter storm. "Felicity you coming? Or am I gunna have to carry you out like I had to carry you in?" Quickly I nod my head and rush over to the two.

A scowl pulls onto Damon's features as he mutters something under his breath. I try to ignore him with the same ease he's ignoring me, but it's much harder than he makes it look. Freezing rain pelts my skin immediately as we step outside. Without a second to lose I dash to the midnight blue mustang that illuminates as Damon unlocks it.

The paint sparkles, even in the dark of the storm. I throw a questioning look to Roman, unaware they got a new car, but he appears just as puzzled as me. Heat from the ride over is still present as we climb in. I breath in the scent of new car and pull my seat belt across my body.

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now