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"I hope I run into you someday and maybe our eyes will meet and then maybe, just maybe, our eyes will speak those words we were too afraid to speak."


* * *


That's how many different girls I've seen clinging onto Damon's arm today. All gorgeous and practically perfect, with award winning smiles and legs for days, and most importantly all not me. A blond with curves in all the right places stares up at him in admiration as he casts a charming smile in her direction. 

He lazily leans against his brand new car which just so happens to be parked next to mine. I can't help but notice how mine pales in comparison to his. Where mine is chipped with paint peeling off on every side, his sparkles in the sunlight. Mine appears older than the 90-something year old lady that lives across my street, but his is fresher than a baby who just entered the world. 

As I approach my car and coincidently the couple too, the blond takes a moment to remove her gaze from Damon. She scoffs as she switches her ocean blue eyes to my beat up truck and then back to me, and all I want to do is comment on how she's not only getting my slopping seconds but also the four girls before her too. 

Instead I refrain, because even if I am bitter and even if it does sting to see him with other girls, I'm not going to let him know. Damon doesn't spare me a single glance, but he knows I'm there. It's evident in the way his posture stiffens and his breaths have become much more frequent. My heart squeezes, but it's nice to know I still have some effect over him, even if it is only small. 

The blond rolls her eyes at me but I give her a sickly sweet smile, adding as much malice and hatred to it as possible. I clench my fist and unlock my car, all whilst Damon still refuses to look at me. But what was I expecting? He made it clear last night what he thought of me, or rather how little he thought of me. 

One person always gets over a break up faster, and he just so happens to have all the prettiest girls in school right at his fingertips, begging for a chance even if it is fleeting. After all I'm nothing special, I'm pretty but not the most beautiful, smart but not a genius. I'm replaceable, and if I didn't think so before I sure as hell do after today.

I get in my car, sliding my hand down the leather steering wheel as I try to keep the pain in my heart at bay. This time I don't look back to see if he's looking with me, this time I drive straight to Alexis' house. I let myself in and go straight to her bedroom, greeting her perky mom on my way up the stairs. 

She's doing homework when I open the door, I've always loved the color palette of her room. It's a mix of oranges and reds and pinks, giving the illusion of a fiery sunset when you step foot inside. It always reminded me of her personality, beautiful with a hint of feistiness, and maybe that's why I like it so much, because it's so her and no one else. 

Her eyes shoot to me as I enter and join her on the deep red comforter. "What's up?" I question, popping a jolly rancher in my mouth that I found on the dining room table before I came up.

"I met a guy," I freeze and turn my full attention on her, fuck the jolly rancher my best friend finally found someone. She's picky as fuck, and rarely does anyone catch her eye, let alone keep her attention long enough to actually be a thing. 

I jump up onto my knees and throw my hands up in the air. "Fucking finally, girl tell me everything," But for some reason she doesn't seem to share the same excitement as me, rather she appears worried and uneasy. The look in her green depths honestly scares the fucking hell out of me. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now