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"The world was on fire and no one could save me but you."


* * *

The trees fly by. Too fast. Just a blur of blackening green against the inky sky. I reach out, clinging to the leather seat as if it's my lifeline as the car continues to accelerate at an alarming pace. "Damon," My voice is shrill, it cuts through the air but it doesn't seem to reach his ears. This time isn't like earlier, he's not ignoring me, rather seems lost, so lost that it's as if my words purely aren't registering.

I glance at the speedometer, observing the little red arrow climb, and climb, and climb. Damon's knuckles turn a ghost white and shadows caress his features, hiding his expression from my view. I can imagine his eyes set into a glare pinpointing those intoxicating irises dead set of the empty road. The clench of his sculpted jaw, the muscles jumping and twitching like the back kick a gun gives off. The anger, the determination rolling off of his body; red hot, and so dangerous that it just might end up killing us all.

"Please," Fear drowns my tone as tears prick the corners of my eyes, daring to fall at any moment. It's Roman that jumps into action at the cue of my plea.

He places a cautious hand on his brothers shoulder, "Damon, you need to slow the fuck down," He sounds in control, like the idea of death, the idea of crashing, has absolutely no effect on him. Leaves me to wonder if he's looked death straight in the eye before, if he's been in situations worse than this. Something tells me he has, that Damon has, that this is nothing to the both of them.

A wicked laugh escapes Damon, it almost sounds like a growl, like something inhuman. "Why?" I curl my fingers tighter against the seat, my throat is scratchy, begging me to scream out as our speed keeps increasing. I bite my tongue, knowing it won't help anything, knowing it might only cause things to escalate even further.

Roman's jaw ticks impatiently. "Because you're going to fucking kill us, goddamn," Damon blinks and the steel grip he has on the wheel finally loosens. Roman exhales deeply and drops his hand from Damon's shoulder. Our speed dramatically slows, allowing my heart to calm down with it. 

"I'm sorry," Damon whispers, and for the first time today I get a glimpse of the boy I fell in love with. My heart tugs painfully at how lost he sounds, and I want to comfort him, but I can't and I won't.

He pulls us onto the shoulder of the vacant road and stops the car. It's eerily silent as we wait for someone to say something. Damon clears his throat and turns toward Roman, I wonder if he can feel my eyes on him, I wonder if it sends burning flames down his spine like it does to me. "You should probably drive."

Wordlessly Roman nods his head but before either of the brothers get out Damon turns his gaze back to mine. He finds it immediately, neither of us speak, there's nothing left to say, or maybe there's so much that words wouldn't give it justice. I can't place the emotion swirling in his orbs of smoky ash, it's so gentle yet so intense. 

He opens his mouth and for a moment I think he's going to apologize, for everything, and say that he'll do anything to fix it. But it's fleeting and with one last glance he turns away and climbs out of the car. 

Roman looks at his brother and than at me, he doesn't approve, its written all over his face. He shakes his head and only moves when Damon yanks the door open and they switch places. My fear falls empty, safety replacing it now that Roman is in the drivers seat. 

Two doors come crashing shut at the same time and for a moment we all just sit there, unmoving, like we're waiting for something, a cue or a signal to tell us to get on our way. The hum of the new engine vibrates through my body, like it's just as anxious to get moving as I am. 

We Were Blue // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now