My Heroine

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(Verse 1)
You are my safe haven
You make me inviolable again
When I can't take it anymore
You give me what I've never felt before
I've gotten to the point these days
Where everything is just a bore
You make me feel numb
You fill up my lungs
Losing all feeling
Giving my life meaning
You're just like a drug
I use you when I've had enough
You make me forget the pain
You help keep me sane
And now I'm addicted to you
But You are the one and only thing
That makes my heart sing

(Verse 2)
Your words speak to my mind
Your sounds seep into my ears
Your meanings pour into my heart
Your colors make beautiful art
Art that I need in my life
Paintings of what i left behind
Paintings of my hopes and desires
But they only open my eyes wider
To see the truth behind everything
To see what you have to bring
That's why I'm under your spell
Though you may not always be the best
You are my true happiness
Without you, all I'd see is darkness
All around me

You make my life more bearable
You make it easier to get through the day
The effects you have on me
May last all day
But my longing for you only adds to the pain
That's why when i'm with you
I don't feel it anymore
You're my heroine
You're my addiction
You're my life saver
I can't stop taking you
Feeling your effects on me
Blinding me from reality
Though you don't last long
I always come back to you for more

Living life is hard enough as it is
All I want is to go back to when we were kids
But all that time has passed
Just way too fast
The memory of you lingers on
Like a dream my mind won't get out of
I couldn't go a day without you
Even if I tried to
I'd be a mess without your presence
My head would ache because of the darkness
My heart would stop beating
Because you make my heart pump
I wouldn't be able to bare the pain
I wouldn't be able to bare the heartache

You make my life more bearable
You make it easier to get through the day
The effects you have on me
May last all day
But my longing for you only adds to the pain
That's why when im with you
I don't feel it anymore
You're my heroine
You're my life saver
I can't stop taking you
Feeling your effects on me
Blinding me from reality
Though you don't last long
It makes me want you more

(End of Song)

-- - - - -
So, I was watching the new Beauty and the Beast movie/musical, and the music just spoke to me. I really just listened to the lyrics and realized how much music really means to me. I've know for years now that music is my thing, especially this last year. And I really realized what my true passion was in music. Playing the bass. I play 5 instruments, bass, drums, viola, guitar, and piano. Bass is my instrument. I love all my others, but I want to be known as a bassist. I really dont know ehat I'd do without music. This song is dedicated to music. Music is the ine thing I can relate to more than I can relate to my own self. Music is my life. I AM music. So that's what this song is about. Though I'm an okay songwriter I guess lol, bass ks my thing. I'm not giving up my other instruments. I never will. And I will never stop songwriting. They're All what i love, and i will continue to thrive and to grow with each thing. Including songwriting. So I just dedicate this song to music. I hope you enjoyed it. Please vote and give me feedback on what you thought about it💝
Love yall❤

Published March 19, 2017

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