Italy (Lemon)

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This request is from fat_child_of_satan love the name XD If you wanted it differently I can redo it (not the Lemon part though)

I was following the (Size) country, not wanting anyone to notice. I love the bello with all my heart, and I would do anything for him. If I win his heart he will be mine forever and no one will be able to take him away from me.

I can always imagine our wedding, our home, and our family. Sometimes I would even imagine some lewd acts we would do in our bedroom. They would always get me excited.

Today (C/N) was doing his normal routine as usual, but something different happened today. (Favorite Hetalia Character Except Italy) was talking to him and making my (M/N) blush. They wanted him to agree to something that he obviously didn't want to do.

Everyone that gets in our way is basically begging me to kill them, aren't they? My face darkened and I got a small smile. They were jumping in front of a bullet right now.

I know almost everyone's routines and where my new target is going to take their last breath. I followed them as they walked towards a bench at the back of the school. There are only two other people here, but they're distracted, so this'll be easy.

I slowly creeped up on the unsuspecting country.

"Ciao (Character Name)," I cheerfully called out once they saw me, so I kept the knife hidden behind me.

"Hello Feliciano! I thought you were with Germany/Japan," They said confusedly.

"Oh! I just came to give you something that I'm giving everyone," I laughed. I gave them a colorful flower crown I was going to give to (M/N).

"Thank you," They thanked, and I hugged them, taking out my kitchen knife. I covered their mouth, pushing them on the grass below, and piercing their flesh with my knife. They screamed in pain, but it was barely audible since I squeezed a ball of cloth into their mouth.

I was happy with how this ended up, and I turned around with a slight twirl. What I didn't know was that (M/N) came around the corner and witnessed most of it. Shock and anger filled his eyes as he ran towards me. He grabbed me by the collar and dragged me towards a closet, inside the school.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::Your POV:::::::::::::::::::::::::

I slammed closed the door with a loud bang, and I faced the tiny murderer with a face of pure disappointment. Italy's hands are together in a praying motion, not wanting to die now.

"You fucking psycho," I growled

I then pinned him to the wall, and I could tell he was scared. Many thoughts like, "What will he do to me since he saw me?" "Will he kill me?" "Will he call the police?" "If anything bad happened, then I would never be with or see (M/N)! I can't let that happen."

Out of nowhere, with all of the strength he had, he pushed me away, and got his hands free. He immediately cupped my face and pulled me into a kiss. I was surprised, but I was ready to kill the idiot. He pulled away, got on his knees, put his hands together, and looked up at me, almost as if praying for me to spare him.

"I-Italia... Ge- ge-... get the fuck up!" I stuttered out. He didn't seem surprised by my sudden outburst, instead his eyes started watering with fear and sadness.

"I did it for us (M/N)! We are meant to be together," He cried out with a passion. At this point I was completely confused by what my former crush wanted.

He, once again, surprised me, and pounced on top of me, and forced his lips onto mine, making us kiss again. He wrapped his arms around my neck, but kept most of his weight to himself. Why was this happening to me?

"Ita... ly... stop..," I mumbled in between kisses. He didn't though, and kept doing what he was doing.

After awhile I finally gave in, and wrapped my arms around his small waist. Who knew such a small mass could cause such a disturbance. He was like a leech, and he probably wanted this to last forever.

After a few minutes he got bored, and wrapped his legs around my waist. I decided to give him what he wanted, and started grinding against him. He looked like a tomato; if he acted this cute I wouldn't hate him so much. This felt so good though, but it would probably end up with me dying in the end.

He jumped off of me, and started lifted my school vest up, and threw it on the closet floor. 'Bitch, this uniform is expensive, what the fuck? At least fold my uniform.' Then I took off my tie, and unbuttoned my dress shirt. I think he's enjoying this a little to much, but what can I do? His, once doe, eyes pierced mine in complete admiration, it was sad.

Before he could make another move, I ripped off his uniform, pushed him against the wall, and started licking and tweaking his pink buds. He slowly slid down the wall, and purred in complete pleasure. I think he wants this a little too much, but I always wanted to do this with him.

"Haag~ mmmm~ (M/N)," He moaned.

I moved in between his legs, and when I was done teasing, I easily shoved his member whole in my mouth, and started sucking. I ran my wet muscle across his veins, making him moan lewdly. I know all of this loving brought him closer to climax.

I knew he was close, because of how much more he moaned and twitched with each little lick. It didn't take long until he finally climaxed, and he threw his head back; The only thing I felt was him gripping my shoulders.

I finally took off the rest of my clothes, and lifted him up. His legs hung loosely by the sides of my shoulders as I entered him. He wasn't too tight, and it still felt oddly good.

"Hmm~ You're loose," I examined. I could tell he was completely embarrassed, and wished to just hide in a dark corner.

"I-I... Pla-ayed w-w-with mys-self..," He stuttered, and hid his face in my chest.

"You could've t-told me to help you earlier, Feli," I groaned, while looking to the side. He pulled me into a passionate kiss, so then I started to slowly thrust into his body.

"Aaaahh! Yes, hmmplease, m-more," Italy cried out.

Moans could be heard throughout the closet, and he had drool dripping out of the corner of his mouth as he stared directly into my eyes with half lidded eyes. I looked back at him lovingly, and had a shaky smile.

This motion kept on going until I released several loads into my uke, and he had on his stomach. I fell to the ground right after I released inside of him, some of my juices spilling out of him.

We shared a long, passionate kiss and put our clothes back on. We had to sneak out, because the body could be found at any moment, and his clothes were still bloody. We went back to my house, got him changed, and I went to sleep, while Feliciano was probably stealing my underwear.

I don't know what I just did. XD Tell me if it's good or not! Tell me if I made ANY mistakes.

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