Prussia (Fluff)

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Will be ooc
I re read this, and I honestly could not believe I was THIS bad at writing, I just had to smack myself. But i've fixed it enough to be decent.

It was our break after two periods. Everyone was doing their own thing, while I was trying to find Gilbert. Usually he'd be super loud and that'd guide my way to him, but not today. I had to do this manually and ask around.

I went up to his brother Ludwig whom should know where he i-

"No. I don't know vhere he iz." Ludwig said corrupting my thoughts.

"Zon't zou know vere he usually iz?"

Well fuck this shit. I had to remember where I usually found him. That's outside his classroom.... In a hallway almost no one knows about.

I always just followed the loud laughs and decelerations of being so awesome, that he should be a god. Now I have to actually remember my each and every step. While he talked to his friends I would be doing random shit in nearby empty hallways.

His class is in the "dugeon" hall. A hallways with only one teacher, and hardly anyone visited. I ran out of the mathematics building, almost rolled down the stairs, flung the homemaking building doors open.

In the giant and full class was a figure facing away from me, wearing an all too familiar crimson hoodie. He sat in the middle staring down at his desk. The hooded Gilbert was really quiet... Too quiet.

I did my best at sneaking up on him. I looked creepy as fuck, but at least I made no noise. After a minute I finally made it behind him. Now I just have to see what he's looking at.

I looked down at his desk. There were puppets? And they were even moving! I knew Gilbert was so over confident he should be magical, but this is going too far. He even had two on his hands; they looked a lot like Ludwig and Ivan. They looked up at me, noticing my existence. This is fucking weird. At some point they even started pointing at me.

"Leave me alone." Gilbert sighed. The talking and laughing of the other people in here made him almost inaudible. If I didn't know Gilbert that greatly I would've thought he was Matthew. The finger puppet continued doing their own thing sneaking little peeks of me here and there.

"Go avay (M/N)..." He grunted. Awe, he's real mad now. I just wanna squeeze him to bits, but I'd rather not be in a full classroom.

"Why are you mad at me?" I made my voice sound worried to win him over. I bent over to wrap my arms around his torso, lifting his arms up a small bit. Just to add a little touch I hid my face between his neck and shoulder. Gilbert's skin got warmer when I pulled down the hood to get a better angle.

"I-I'm not it'z juzt.."

"It's just what?"

  Gilbert's eyes slowly filled with tears, the ends of his lips quivering. He looked down quickly before I could get a good look at his face.

"I veel like people don't vant me around sometimez," He whimpered.

  I hugged him even tighter, nuzzling even closer.

"Yeah, but not always."

"I feel totally reazzured," Gilbert huffed.

"Honesty is the best policy right?"


  I could only feel him tense up, probably feeling uncomfortable. I feel like an asshole sometimes, but I just gotta get him out of here.

Then, I mustered up all my bullshit, and said, "Oh I thought you were just joking everytime you said you were awesome~"

"Zou fucker," Gilbert hissed.

"Yes I am~" I roughly pecked him, and stuck my tongue out, speeding off before he could catch me and rant about how he was the greatest that ever, and will ever live, all the while probably crying and punching me. That's when I got tackled on the concrete floor of the yard. Pale hands kept me from getting up.

The slightly smaller body toppled onto me and just stayed there. It was too heavy for me to get up.

"GeT oFf." I whined. I continued in the fight for freedom.

"Not unlezz zou admit I'm ze most avesome perzon you'll evar meet!" Gilbert huffed. He really did look like a child, his rosey cheeks puffing out like an angry child's.

"Fine. Fine. You're awesome." I chuckled. He got off of my stomach quickly, sitting by my side with a big toothy grin.

"And you always will be. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, not even your ugly lil puppets," I said, and pulled him into a slow and gentle kiss that lasted a few seconds since the bell rang.

"Zey are not ugly!! Zey were handcravted by ze avesome me," He cried, pulling out two new ones, resembling the both of us.

"Well, I think zis one iz ze ugliezt ov zem all," I chuckled, mimicking my boyfriend's accent. I picked up the albino puppet, as it thrashed around.

  Gilbert gasped, almost as if saying 'how dare you' but before he could say anything, I kissed him once more, before walking off to class.

But what he doesn't know is that i keep his lil Gilbert puppet safe in my bedroom. Oddly, sometimes I wake up with the little puppet, attempting to kiss me, other times trying to get in my clothes, but i've just accepted it. I loved having a little Gilbert in my pocket.

If I back it up, is it fat enough?
If I throw it back, is it fast enough?

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