Sweden (Fluff)

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This is from Too_WeirdFor_You I can't do the the accent so i'm sorry. ;-; It's little late and it might not be that good so, once again sorry.

"Come on Berwald! You're too slow." I yelled as I pulled my blonde lover by his hand. I had a huge smile on my face to finally show Berwald my tricks. Does he get annoyed by me? Naw!

I really want to teach him how to figure skate. Well... I don't know if he can already do it by himself, but I have high hopes!

I just got Berwald out of the house, so where not getting any progress. The rink is a bit far considering it's eight and a half miles from our home. He didn't want to go because he said he can't skate, but I still believe he can, well at least balance on the steel blades for more than a few minutes.

Once I got him in the car I immediately drove us to the rink. We were going to have lots of fun.

8.5 miles later ;u;

I hopped out of my car with glee (You seem like the uke) and led the shorter male (or not) to the large building.

We trudged along into the cold area. There are many people having conversations, playing around, and a few looked nervous. I was a bit nervous also not knowing it would be this packed today. I must keep my head down!

"(M/N) are you okay?" Berwald asked with kind eyes. I just chuckled quietly.

"Y-ye-." I was cut of by someone grabbing my arm. I turned to see a girl with short dark brown hair with bangs and hazel eyes standing along with a taller girl with long black hair and black eyes who didn't seem very amused with the shorter girl.

(I'm using family members! I'm not creative!)

"Hi, (M/N)! I'm one of you many fans! Once my sister pointed you out I screamed! I love what you do! You're amazing!" The shorter of the two said very quickly.

"America.. Don't yell so much.." The ravenette said quietly with an angered tone. She then covered 'America's' mouth. That didn't stop the squealing and yelling. (You may confuse my youngest sister for America the country)

The young teen squealed loudly. The high pitched voice. caused other people to look at her and then me. Now almost the whole rink was surrounding me.

I could hear the oldest of the pair yell "Mira lo que hisisteis!" and quick foot steps.

Their camera flashes somewhat blinded me and others were asking me to sign something random. Me and Berwald were ambushed. My eyes became pure white and blue lines appeared on my forehead as I glared at the two girls who started this.

Berwald stared at me in great confusion. His piercing blue eyes burnt holes in the side of my head. Oh dear.

Timeskip after swarm of people finally leave you alone

After the great mob of people disappeared, either leaving to go home or continue to skate, I had to explain a few things.

"Why did everyone circle around us?" Berwald questioned with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm a professional figure skater. It's been going on for about five to seven years. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier." I answered while looking down at the floor. He grunted, but said.

"Let's just go skate. You can tell me more later." He then pulled at my arm and took me to the ice. Once Berwald put both feet on the ice he immediately fell fowards. I wasn't quick enough to catch him, but he caught himself with his arms. The sad this is his arms slipped and he face planted.

I chuckled at this an helped him up. Berwald held onto my arm closely while I moved us foward. He let go and only held my hand. Berwald slipped many more times. I fell down along with him most of the times.

After many fails he finally got it. He was a bit slow, but he could still stay up on his two feet. I somewhat drifted away from him to do my own thing. While skating I did a triple loop then after did a Lutz.

Berwald watched me do a few more tricks and was determined to do better. He went faster around the rink and continued his actions. I glided towards him and skated alongside him.

I held his hand tightly within mine as we glided across the ice. Berwald kept his poker face 90 percent of the time we were here. I stared intensely at his face, wanting to fi.d life in his face for the first time in... I don't know. So, I pulled him closely and gave him long kiss. His eyes widened for a short while then his face went back to normal.

I was a bit disappointed but, it'll-
Sweden pulled he into a tight hug. He had red covering his skin as he hid his face in the crook of my neck. We stayed like that for a minute until he Berwald let go of me.

"Let's go home." Berwald said while skating away. I bolted after him.

I probably did horrible, but eh. I don't think I can get better ;-; Sorry if it's not like you wanted. I apologize too much ;-;
So shitty I might just die.

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