America (ANGST???! EW!)

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  It's not been a good day at all, much less a good year. The second World War raged on between the Axis and the Allies as their bickering continued. The country of (C/N) watched on from afar, watching as his friends caught amongst each other. Though it's been quite comfortable in his island nation.

  (C/N) never understood why the other nations started wars. Usually the reasons were completely stupid and idiotic to him. That's why he had very few wars. Yes, (C/N) had a great military, but he tries to reason everything out, participating in violence was his last resort.

He's quite different from one of his best friends and ally, America, personality wise.

"I don't get why I had to join you. It would be better if I could look around." (C/N) said in his usually quiet tone.

  (In the 16th century on of (C/N)'s rulers had rarely paid attention to issues happening in the country, because of that a few of the dams had broken and huge floods hit (C/N) and killed 3/5 of his population because of drowning or starvation. Other countries helped him get back on track, though his population never returned to its original numbers.)

  America whined, "Because I have to keep you near me to protect you!" Repeating himself over and over again.

"That doesn't mean you have to cling to my arm. You might tear it off." The (H/C)-ette furrowed his brows.

  He had been dragged away from his cozy cottage by his flamboyant best friend.

"Well too bad!" America laughed loudly.

The two countries once again set off to find the Axis. They where in some kind of forest.

I wonder where the rest of the Allies are. Oh wait, they're right behind the two nations. They all have confused faces except France. He knew exactly what's happening.

Far in the distance there seemed to be smoke going up in the air. How would there be smoke? Japan, Italy, and Germany! They all somewhat thought at the same time. They ran to the scene where two nations sat and another slept.

(C/N) didn't want any of this so, he quietly snuck away while America was climbing up a big rock. (C/N) walked around the forest for a few minutes then heard "China, I choose you!" Being yelled then a loud whack and then a thud came after the American's voice.

(C/N) continued the venture towards another end of the island to swim/play/walk/whatever tf in the cold ocean. Once the nation got to the water another voice was heard and there was random glowing in the sky. It was Rome singing with a bunch of girls. (C/N) was very confused with the sight.

He didn't pay attention to the randomn things that happened in Hetalia anymore. (M/N) (did whatever) in the clear water. He enjoyed finally being alone.

Suddenly his leg had gotten caught in something. It's not going to kill me.. I'll just try to get out or at least loose.. And oh was he wrong. It started pulling (M/N) deeper into the ocean. (M/N) knew nobody would hear him no matter how hard he tried because he's too far from the others.

(C/N) went underwater to see what was pulling him. It was nothing, but it felt as if something was tied around his ankle and pulling him with all its strength. (C/N) lifted his head and saw he was almost completely underwater.

He thrashed around with full force, but nothing. After a few seconds... He disappeared. All that was left was a (valuable) he always had with him.


America was the only one to notice (C/N) missing. He became very worried for his older friend. America had been told about what had happened in 1573 and knows (C/N) is close to sinking with pieces of neighboring countries.

"Dudes, where's (C/N)!?" Alfred yelled frantically looking around. Everyone else also looked around to be greeted with nothing. Then everyone started yelling his name.

Loud (M/N)'s and (C/N)'s was heard coming from various nations, but the American's voice was the loudest. After hours of searching nothing was found. Until Russia found something floating in the water/washed up on shore. It was (M/N)'s (valuable).

"W-what? (C/N) never leaves this behind!" Alfred shouts. He hugged it close to him like he had the most rarest and valuable thing in the world. Then America started tearing up. Regreting not keeping a close eye on (C/N).

"Engla-and do you.. ha-have any idea-a what happened?" America asked quietly. Trying not to lose hope he stared at the Englishman.

England sadly looked back at his younger brother. "H-He's not coming back.." whispered England. "..He sunk." Arthur finished.

What did I do? I don't know.. Sorry it took so long I had testing and I have this other dumbass book report/presentation thing happening then I have to play violin in a performance next Friday.. I'm really sorry.. Discúlpame ;-; there also might be Writing errors so tell me if you find one.

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