Germany (Lemon)

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This one is from APH_Berlin03 as said in my other chapters tell me if you want it differently so I can redo it (Not the Lemon... Never the lemon XD) (I rarely get inspiration from fan art, but it's up there ⬆)(cute~)


"Grrr..." growled Germany once he came out of my room, in a maid outfit that had a cat tail and ears.

This happened because he had lost a bet. What was the bet? How about you think of that... Lets just say I almost got crushed by weights.

Either I would be an inu maid or he would be a neko maid. Fuck no am I wearing dog ears and tail. (Or I'm totally fine with being an inu, but I really wanna see Ludwig in a maid outfit!)

Germany's face was red of anger and embarrassment. It got redder when he saw me looking him up and down.

"(M-M/N)!!" He yelled. He did look very cute~

"Okay." I snickered.

"I won't make you do much, so do whatever you want!" I said as politely as I could. When I turned away from him I laughed to myself.... He doesn't know what's coming to him.

"U-uh really?" He said in disbelief. Then he realised that I am always like this and will do something cruel to him at the end. Who wouldn't? He looked away with a tick mark on his forehead.

He fled to my kitchen/dinning room to do who knows what. Germany being Germany is going to scold me for how messy my house is. He already did for my room and living room.

After a few hours it was finally 19:00 p.m. and I was hungry. I went to the dining room to find... (F/F)~ I slightly smiled knowing who did this. I sat down in the seat I normally sit in. Ludwig wasn't here yet. I decided to go look for him.

He was probably cleaning the living room.


Nope. Not there...


My bedroom! It was obvious! I bolted to the room at the beginning of the hall. I quietly opened the door and peeked in. Yes! He's here. He's staring out the window, looking over (the ocean/sea of trees/city/ect...).

"You like the view?" I said quietly. He jumped back at the sudden voice. I walked over and stared out the window. My eyes sparkled and I had a small grin on my (S/C) face.

I looked over at him to see him drooling over me. Step by step I got closer to him and pressed his lips against mine. Germany stumbled back, but I quickly pulled him into an embrace. I then pulled away.

He's gone into complete shock at this point. Ludwig didn't move a muscle. He continued staring at me with his wide eyes and mouth.

I chuckled at his reaction. This caused his face to burst into flames. I was scared to touch him anymore, worried that I might burn into a crisp then my ashes will fly all around my room.

It took him a minute to cool down to his normal temperature. To make sure that he's 80% okay, I kissed him again. This time he kissed back and didn't burn us. Germany wrapped his arms around my neck and I moved my hands around his body as the kiss got more passionate.

His eyes are slightly open, but they look beautiful. They're full of shine and... Stars? How are there stars and sparkles in his eyes?! I'm so confused!

Back to what matters

We continued this until I pulled away and turned Germany around and pushed him up against the window. His hands are pressed against the cold window and he's trying to look at what i'm doing.

Me being the weird-ass freak had a toy I wanted to give him~ *Wink Wonk* I found it and turned it on it's highest setting.

"W-What's that?" Ludwig questioned while turning around. His eyes went wide and his face lit up. He looked to the side and gulped.

"Hmhmhm~ Why are you peeking? Do you want me that bad?" I said teasingly. Germany slowly nodded then turned back into the position he originally was in.

I stuck it inside of him once I got near.

"Gah! Hnnn.." He groaned out of pain. Shortly after, Ludwig started moaning quietly. I whispered sweet nothings in his ear and led my hand to his panties. I ripped them off of him and pumped his member.

"Hah~ Pl-ease (M/N)..., p-put it in-n me..." Germany begged after the 3rd time he came in my hand and window. I know it took him a lot of courage to say that though~ His third time cuming and his face was burning!

"Beg some more for me will ya'? Say Fuck me master~" I whispered. He layed his forehead on the window while looking down at the cum stained part.

"F-F-Fuck m...e ma-aster!" Ludwig tried yelling, but failed.

"Say it louder~" I again teased while rubbing his tip.

"Fuck me until I can't walk, master!" Ludwig yelled. I was surprised at his sudden outburst, but complied to his request. I removed the vibrator and threw it... somewhere.

I quickly removed all of my clothes and walked right behind my cute little maid~ I pulled his ass towards me so it stuck out more and entered him with a hard thrust.

"Ah! Yes, more~" Ludwig moaned loudly and clawed at the window. I aimed towards certains spots, trying to find the bundle of nerves. I continued this until...

"Gnah! There master, there! Hit me there!" He screamed while his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He yelled so loud you could hear it for anywhere in my house.

I did the motion over and over again. Germany came so many times, my window was almost completely white.

After our 5th round, he fell backwards. I carried him to my bed and places him down. Right before he dosed off, I licked a bit of the cum on the window.

"(M-M/N) don't do that...!" He whisper-yelled in embarrassment. He covered himself in the sheets. I got in bed myself and put them over my lower half. I pulled him into a hug then wished a goodnight to my lover.

"G'night kitten~" I cooed.

"D-Don't call... Me t-...that." Ludwig panted before passing out. I hid my face in the crook of his neck and drifted off into darkness.

Time skip

I was shaken up from my dream to find an angry German trying to get out of my grasp.

"Get up! Let me go or you'll be forced to actually exercise!" He threatened me.

"I. don't. give. a. shit." I whispered in his ear then went back to sleep knowing my lover was never going to get me to let go, no matter how many threats he throws at me.

Sorry for being late! I was looking for ideas!

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