Chapter Two, John's Jealousy

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As Rose left to sleep, Kanaya took out her Husk top. She only wanted to check who was online. The only person online happened to be John Egbert. Kanaya then received a message from him. She of course opened the message, not knowing what  John had wanted to talked about at this late hour.

‎---- ectoBiologist [EB] started pestering grimAuxiliatrix [GA] at ??:?? ---- 

EB: kanaya, hey! 

EB: i've heard you and rose are in a relationship. 

EB: i have... 

EB: a few things to say, if you allow me to.

GA: Do As You Please John Human 

GA: I Will Not Forbid You From Saying What You Must Say

EB: really now? 

EB: interesting... very. 

EB: well... 

EB: first and foremost, congrats. 

EB: as a nice, polite human i would like and say... 

EB: congrats! 

EB: you're pretty lucky to have her. 

EB: not that she is something you can own, but you catch my drift, i hope. 

EB: now, onto a more serious topic. 

EB: ehem. 

EB: hurt her and well... that won't be pretty, right?

GA: Thank You John 

GA: And I Do Believe I Catch Your Drift 

GA: Hurt The Rose Human 

GA: I Would Never Do Such A Thing 

GA: That Would Just Be Absurd

EB: hehehe, that's excellent to know. 

EB: but well... 

EB: it's not that i'm even vaguely suggesting that you would do that, nonsense! 

EB: but i would actually prefer if you didn't even think of doing that. 

EB: ...crap, i'm not making any sense anymore. 

EB: look, i don't mean to be scary bur... consider this as a warning. 

EB: fat chance, don't consider it. 

EB: it is. 

EB: ... please, don't. 

EB: argh, don't even try to hate me and all that jazz, i'm merely trying to... 

EB: protect her? 

EB: holy shit, i'm ridiculous, really. 

EB: but yeah, i don't want her to be hurt.

GA: I Would Never 

GA: I Ensure You John 

GA: I Know You Still Might Have Red Feelings For Her 

GA: And I Can Understand You Would Want To Keep Her From Harms Way 

GA: But You Can Trust Me 

GA: I Would Never Even Think About Harming Her 

GA: I Have True 

GA: Pure Red Feelings For Her 

GA: Rose Is Very Important To Me 

GA: I Honestly Dont Know Why You Would Think I Would Harm Her

EB: i'm not saying that you'd do that in purpose, i guess. 

EB: i... just want her okay, i guess. 

EB: fuck, okay. 

EB: you got me cornered, i still care deeply for her, yet... 

EB: yet i don't know! i mean i feel so fucking disgusting as to... 

EB: as to i want her /safe/ i don't know if with me or less or... aaaah, i really don't know. 

EB: i just. 

EB: i just hope you do keep her okay. 

EB: and regarding your question i... i dunno. 

EB: i think i'm just being paranoid. yes, that might be.

GA: Do You Not Entrust Me With Her 

GA: Have I Inflicted This Idea Of Me Being Untrustworthy 

GA: Is It Anything I Have Done 

GA: If So Can You Please Do So In Telling Me


EB: oh man, you're hilarious. 

EB: hee-larious. 

EB: no, you particulary haven't. 

EB: trolls are. 

EB: in a way, they are. 

EB: at least for my perception, they are. 

EB: sorry if i'm narrow-minded and whatnot. 

EB: i can't help it.

GA: John Is This About Me Being Another Species  

GA: Is This The Reason You Do Not Entrust Me With The Rose Human

GA: Because I Happen To Have Horns 

GA: Also Gray Skin 

GA: Is This Why You Dont Trust Me 

GA: How Shameful John

EB: ...crap, no. 

EB: no, i'm not judging you by your appearances. 

EB: look, i do trust you. 

EB: and some other trolls. 

EB: a bit though, because let's face it: 

EB: another specie is creepy, well, at least for me, disregarding i like paranormal stuff and all. 

EB: look, paranoia has been getting the best of me lately. 

EB: added to the fact that i've been having a lot of stress lately. 

EB: but that doesn't matter, does it?

GA: John 

GA: I Am Just Like You 

GA: There Are Only Small Differences Between Us 

GA: Just Because I Am Different Does Not Mean You Can Not Trust Me 

GA: I Know Youve Been Some What Stressed 

GA: And Paranoid About Rose Being With Me 

GA: But John 

GA: You Have To Entrust And Believe In Both Rose And I 

GA: So Just 

GA: As Dave Would Say 

GA: Chill The Fuck Out Bro

EB: haha, alright!

EB: sorry for flipping out, i guess. 

EB: well, i gotta go, its late.

EB: night!

‎---- ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering grimAuxiliatrix [GA] ----

Kanaya went back offline. She went to Rose's room and climbed in bed with her, holding her tight. "Goodnight My Love" Kanaya whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2012 ⏰

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