I promise that I'll make yall proud

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     I was just sitting at my table working on my essay for English when I feel someone starting at me. I look up and see a group of boys starting at me. I notice the one looking directly at me has long curly brown hair and golden eyes. He is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. So I smile at him. His face goes bright red. I look away.
I try to focus on my essay but I can't help thinking about the boy sitting at the other end of the coffee shop. I wonder what his name is and weather he's gay or not. I hope so. He's so beautiful.
I scrap my essay and start writing a letter to the boy. I don't even know his name but I write it anyway.
Next thing I know, the two other boys that were sitting with the boy came over to my table. "Hello." Said one with a thick French accent. "Um, hi. " I respond. "I'm Hercules Mulling and this is my friend Lafayette. We were wondering if you wanted to come sit with us. You just seamed so lonely. " said the other.
I had no idea how to respond to that. I never really liked people but I was trying to be nice so I nodded and followed them back to there table. The adorable boy just sat and stared at me for a moment. I smiled. "Hi. My name is Alexander Hamilton." I said. It took him a moment but he replied " I'm John. John Laurens. " I smiled again. "Well, it's nice to meet you. " I look at the clock on the wall and realize that I have class in 10 minutes. "I hate to bail on you all so soon after meeting you but, I have a class in like ten minutes so I gotta go. Same time tomorrow?"
"Oui. We will see you then. "
"Catch ya latter" I leave. I walk to school and sit in class for an hour. I try to focus on the lesson but my mind wanders back to the boy at the coffee shop. John Laurens........ a perfect name for a perfect boy.

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