Chapter Four

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  • Dedicated to To the amazing Matt Smith!! <3

*Yay I got 3 votes! I'm so excited. I typed this out quickly so I could post it! I'm hoping for 5 votes this time. Thank you all very much!*

I screamed, enjoying twisting and turning through space. I felt at home here, flying in the TARDIS. The Doctor looked up at the giant green tube that shot up from the controls. He was laughing. I smiled looking at him.

Before long, the TARDIS stopped with two VHROOMPH, VHROOMPHs. The Doctor jumped up and ran to the doors flunging them open. I gasp as I slowly got up to look at them.

Outside the door was the stars. We were so close, I walked over to the Doctor and he just smiled, like a child at me. "This is as close as we can get without it being dangerous. This is the first place I took your mother when she traveled with me," He said, poking his head outside of the door. I grabbed a hold of the Doctor's hand as I leaned out the door.

He smiled pushing me out the door, letting go of my hand. Before I could fall, I started to drift away. Before I got too far away from the TARDIS, I felt the Doctor grab my ankel. "I expanded the oxygen feild, so we can breath," he said, but I wasn't listening. I was staring at the beautiful star in front of me. I thought I was dreaming for a second, but was ripped out of my dream-like state when I was pulled back down into the TARDIS. I landed right on top of the Doctor, pushing him to the floor. I laughed, staring into his eyes.

He smiled at me before pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I smiled back before realizing I was still on top of him. I stood up, hiding how bad I was blushing. The Doctor got up and closed the door before walking up to the console. "So Little Pond, all of time and space, what would you like to see?" he asked, as I walked up the stairs standing next to him. "I want to see everything," I said, gently touching every tool in front of me.

And it was true, I did want to see everything. And I actually had enough time to see everything. The Doctor smiled getting what I was thinking, "I'm a Time Lord too and I still haven't seen it all," he laughed. I smiled at him.

I stared at him, my eyes wide. "You're 900 plus years old and you still haven't seen it all?" I asked. He shook his head, "No, and I truthfully hope I don't see it all, because once you see it all then what else is there to be excited about?" He said, also playing with the controls. I smiled, realizing he was right. "What is the most amazing thing you've ever seen?" I asked. He chuckled. "I've seen a lot of amazing things. Everything is amazing, everything is beautiful," he said, looking me straight in the eye.

"I know what we should see!" he said, pressing away at buttons and pulling levers. I laughed at how excited he was. I grabbed on to the metal pole behind where I was, as he pulled the handel down, sending us flying again.

The TARDIS came to a stop, as he looked at the mointer that showed when we were. "Perfect," he said, walking into a hall of the TARDIS, I followed wondering so many things. "Where are we?" I asked, catching up to the Doctor who suddendly turned left. I ran after him. "We are at a certain event that you should know," he said, walking into a room filled with clothes. "Which event is that?" I asked, as he started handing me dresses. "You'll see," he said, grabbing a tux.

After a minute, he was dressed in a black and white tux with a white scarf and a black top hat. I stepped out in a long pink dress that had long sleeves, the dress came to my ankles. I smiled when I looked in the mirror. The Doctor came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "You look really nice, Violet," he said.

He suddendly remembered what he was doing, and turned and left. I followed him, which was difficult in my 4 inch heels. I put my hair up in a nice bun, because the Doctor told me it was a fancy event. "So when are we?" I asked. "June 26th, 2010," he said, walking out the door. I followed him out when suddenly I remembered what that day was.

It was my parents wedding. I saw my mother and father dancing in the center, except it was a younger version of them. "Whatever you do, don't let them know that you are their daughter," he said, leaning up against the wall, smiling at everyone. I nodded, getting a look at everyone. They were all people I knew but they were much younger. My grandparents were dancing around my parents. My mum wore a beautiful white dress, they both looked so happy.

The song ended and everyone started clapping. The Doctor and I joined in. Then mum and dad came over. Mum hugged the Doctor smiling, "Hey Doctor. Who's this?" she asked, looking me over, trying to remember if she invited me or not. "Hello Amy, I'm Violet. A friend of your cousin, Kathy," I said, recalling the only cousin mum had. She smiled, "Hello Violet," she said, shaking my hand. Dad smiled at me shaking my hand. They both looked so young, and I smiled seeing how happy they were.

"Just remember Ameila, I only came for the dancing," he said, smiling. "If that's the case then shall we dance?" she asked, taking the Doctor's hand and pulling him to the floor. Dad laughed, but by the look on his face he couldn't tell if he liked mum and the Doctor together. He then turned to me, "Shall we?" he asked, reaching out his hand. I smiled taking it. He lead me out to the dance floor and we danced.

It's werid meeting your parents when they are about your age. The must only be four, five years older but they were so different. They weren't as muture as they were in my time. I spent the whole night with the Doctor, mum and dad just dancing and having fun.

Before everyone started to leave the Doctor grabbed the microphone and held his glass of wine up, "I've known Ameila for a long time now, and I am so happy that she has found a man, like Rory to spend her life with. To Ameila and Rory!," he said, before handing the microphone to me. I looked at him, my eyes about popping out of my skull. He nodded, putting it in my hands. I lifted my wine glass up and smiled at the younger version of my family.

"Hello everyone. I just wanted to say a few things. Love is a tricky thing, it's hard to find and it's even harder to make everything come together. But it seems as if Amy and Rory have it planned perfectly," I began, finding it werid to call my parents by their names. "They remind me a lot of my parents actually. The way that you two look at eachother, I know that you two will have a long beautiful life together," I said, looking down at them to see them smiling at eachother. "You two give me hope that one day I will be able to have something as special as you two do, because love doesn't last long these days, but I can see that your love will last forever," I said, smiling at mum and dad, who were smiling like crazy at me. "To Rory and Amy!" I yelled, raising my wine glass high into the air. "Rory and Amy!" the people cheered back at me.

I set the microphone down as the Doctor took my hand and lead me to the TARDIS, "Aren't you suppose to be out there?" I asked, as he started to play with the controls. "No, a younger version of me should be arriving now," he said, punching away on his type writer. "Why did you have me speak?" I asked, now standing next to him. "Because, young Amy and Rory, will become inspired by your speech thing and will name their daughter after the woman who gave such a speech then they never saw her again. And you did make that really special. I loved it," he said, smiling as he sent us flying throught time and space, I fell to the floor, before grabbing the metal pole.

Everything was flying through my head, so my parents knew that I would travel with the Doctor because once I grew up they would know that I was the woman who made the speech.

We finally landed, and the Doctor stuck his head out the door and smiled. "What?" I asked, taking my shoes off, sticking my head out the door. I frowned, no the Doctor couldn't see this moment. This was the moment when I became an outcast at school.

*I hope you liked it! Please message me and share your thoughts! 5 votes for next chapter! MESSAGE, VOTE, TELL YOUR FRIENDS, FAN! XD*

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