::Prologue:: Try

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::Author's Note::

Hi! Welcome to my new story. Don't worry for those who are reading Nomad, that will be up, edited and finished in about a week. For now though, welcome to Butterflies in Winter. I sincerely hope you enjoy this story, as I've been having an awesome time writing it.

A huge thanks to the brilliant MayTijssen for the beautiful cover you see gracing this story. It's amazing and definitely go check out her works. She's an incredible writer as well, so I recommend her Knight of Gold story.

I will apologise in advance for any scientific anomalies I might have in this story. I have researched as much as I can, however. Certain things I was unable to find any information about, and have tried my best. l

I hope you enjoy this story, and feel free to tell me what you think of this in the comment section.

Have a lovely day,



Kit was running for his life.

Dodging left and right, in a desperate attempt to avoid the falling rubbish which threatened him with every step. It felt that everything was trying it's best to kill him.

Sirens all around him were screaming at him to do something, anything. He didn't know what he could do, but he knew he had to try.

Another quake flung him to his knees. He cried out, his hands now bloodied from their impact with the metal floor. He struggled to catch his breath, then returned to his feet, and continued running.

It had been an earthquake. It had hit them hard and fast, with no warning at all. It had destroyed most of the plant, and no they were faced with the consequences. He hadn't seen anyone else, at least no one left alive.

The idea that he could be alone in the midst of all this chaos, terrified him to the bone.

Forcing any morbid thoughts away, he continued to charge across the platforms. Every movement causing the earth itself to sway. He tried not to think about the forty foot fall between him and the ground.

With a jerk, Kit skidded to a stop. Finding the platform broken before him, and the reactor core a tantalising few metres away from him. He froze, taking a deep breath, and lunging.

He landed hard, and whilst he wouldn't have gained any points for presentation, he was safe for now. There was no time for trivialities such as keys, so instead he lunged through the window with all he could give.

It took a few times, and his face was bloodied by the shattered glass when he was finished. Yet he ignore the pain.

Millions of buttons and switches were in front of him, and his mind went totally blank. He searched desperately, trying to think back to his training. Desperately searching for any answer that might be able to save his life.

Closing his eyes tightly, his knees were shaking to the point where he could only just stay on his feet. Please. He begged. He had never been a god faring man, but now he was willing to sell his soul to the devil to try and stop this from happening. However, as the seconds past, it wasn't clear as to whether anything could be done.

Looking back at the sound of footsteps, though he had to strain desperately to hear anything other than the blare of the sirens. He turned to see an unfamiliar face, another worker donned in the same yellow radiation suit as Kit.

Plastered on his expression was the same look of terror which was probably reflected on his own. They exchanged a glance, and Kit stepped away from the counter. Letting the stranger take a look and decide what to do.

The sirens seemed to intensify, the sound rattling inside his head. Kit winced, his eyes dancing around the area. Contemplating what chance he would have if he simply took off running, trying to put as much distance between himself and the danger.

Every instinct was screaming at him to get away from here, however, he couldn't bring himself to leave without trying to save it. Somehow.

Any hopes that the approach of a newcomer might be able to save them, were soon crushed as the man looked as despairing as he had. Kit watched in a desperate silence, his heart racing until he was certain that it would explode in his chest.

Once again the sirens intensified, until the only sound was their blare. He couldn't help the tears which came to his eyes, for he was certain that this was the end.

"Get down," the stranger said suddenly. Hurling himself beneath the desk, and Kit quickly followed suit. Smacking his head as he went under but he didn't notice, for he felt numb from head to toe.

How long will we have left? He thought, but didn't dare ask his question aloud. It wasn't necessary to even think about. It might as well be the rest of eternity or no time at all, nothing they could do was going to change it.

Resting his head in his hands, he let out a low sob. He couldn't hold back the emotions which were building up inside him, and it wasn't as though he would have anything to regret once this day was over.

"Name's Joshua," the stranger's words made him jump. He hadn't been expecting to hear anything and he paused. Frozen as he realised what had been said.

Somewhat awkwardly offering the man his hand, "Christopher, but most call me Kit." He replied, trying to smile but finding the expression to be out of place considering the circumstances.

"Wish we had met under different circumstances," he said with a grimace. Looking out at the world of destruction around them.

All Kit could do was nod, the words escaping him to make polite conversation. The fear was wracking every inch of his system. He was beginning to feel dizzy, but he fought to stay awake. He wanted to wait until the end.

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