::Chapter 9:: Sacrifice

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When the trio reached their destination, what greeted them sent terror down their spines. Kit pulled to a stop, Romany almost falling off as he did. He didn't dare to breathe, for fear the creature before him would hear him.

It was a boat. A huge one. Something which would have made the death star jealous of it's magnitude. Impenetrable.

Cannons lined its corners, and even from this distance the two shifters could see the men patrolling its every corner. Every person in eyesight was armed to the bone. It was the first gun that Kit had ever seen, and he knew that quite soon, it was going to be aimed at his head.

Alcatraz would have been easier to break into.

Let alone out of.

"Yup," was the only response that Romany had for them. Clearly guessing what her two companions were thinking as she watched the boat in silence from the edge of the trees.

Her words hardly instilled the two men with a feeling of enthusiasm about the task in front of them. Though Kit doubted that the praise of God himself would have made him feel at ease about this task.

Even the devil would have refused to try the task that the trio were confronted with.

"One way on, one way off." Max commented quietly. "Unless you two are intending to sprout wings some time soon?"

Kit didn't respond, only nodded. His words were true. There was a single gang plank, leading from the shore to the ship. Heavily guarded by two armed men at both the entrance and the exit.

"Now would be a fantastic time to tell me that you formulated a plan on your way here? Any chance at all?" Romany's words were hopeful, in spite of the high unlikelihood that they would be responded to with an answer she'd enjoy.

"I have," Kit spoke this time, a little cautiously. He refused to make eye contact with either of the two beside him, "But your not going to like it."

Both sets of eyes were on him in an instant, judging him, trying to read him, but Kit kept his face as neutral as possible. Barely daring to breath. "You said that these people wanted shifters to kill or research on?" Kit questioned again.

Romany hesitated, before nodding softly. Her eyes sharpening a shade with impatience, and a small amount of fear.

"If they were wanted dead, we would have found more of them at camp. We only found Marlene's body," Romany wouldn't have had a clue as to who Marlene was, but now was not the time to explain the minor details. "There must be a reason most of them have been taken there, and to do so wouldn't have been easy. Why go to so much effort to get some shifters, if they intended to kill most of them."

The pair were nodding, cautiously. At this point, they probably guessed what his next suggestion was going to be.

"So we're going to give them two more."

For a moment no one spoke, dumbstruck by the idiocy of what had been said. Kit could feel their eyes burning holes into the back of his head. Yet he didn't turn to look at either of them, only letting his words set in.

"You've lost your mind then."

"Cant lose what you never had, Max." Kit responded with a slight grin, keeping his gaze fixed solidly to the boat before them.

"Very true," admitted the younger shapeshifter, his tone of voice making it apparent that every word was like a bullet to his heart.

"You cant be serious," Romany insisted, shaking her head as though trying to free a demon from the back of her neck. Furious at the very suggestion. "It's a death sentence, to all of us if we're caught."

"It's a death sentence either way, Rom." Kit responded calmly, "This gives us a chance to try and save our friends from theirs." His words were solemn and carried a certainty to them which surprised even Kit.

No one spoke for a short while, trying desperately to think. Of any alternative, but it became apparent that there wasn't going to be one. Not in the short period of time that they had available to them.

When no one spoke, Kit said in a low tone. "We have no other choice, we're going to give ourselves in."

"How exactly do you intend to do that? Without making it seem that we've been in cahoots the entire time?" Romany asked, her voice angry now. Accusing, as though it was Kit's fault that this was their only option.

He didn't take it personally. "You carry me on board, pretend that I and Max are your prisoners and that's why your so late. Do you have anything you can bind our wrists with?" He was speaking quickly now, feeling that he had convinced the two to do as he said. Determined not to give them enough time to think about it too much, so that they might get other ideas.

Romany hesitated, she had known the two only a short period of time, but the idea of putting them in danger made a small part of her hate herself. She pulled the bag from her shoulder, to reveal a pair of silver handcuffs. She started towards Kit who only raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe try those on Max, they're not really going to work too well on me," he said, raising his hand.

Blushing, she did as she was told and Max was soon bound at the wrists. "Now hit me."

"Now your just taking the mickey," grunted Max with annoyance. Shifting from one foot to the other. The eagle hated being bound, it was against every part of his nature.

Kit rolled his eyes, "You need to knock me out. Or at least make it look like you have, try to be realistic."

"Don't tempt me," Max grunted.

Growling, but the noise was a playful one. He looked expectantly at Romany, lifting an eyebrow of his own. "Go on then, and feel free to be quick. We're on a bit of a time limit."

She swung, and delivered a surprisingly strong blow to the side of his jaw. It didn't cause him to fall, but he didn't need to stagger a little to catch his balance. He grinned approvingly, and slightly surprised. "Nice one, again." She did as she was told.

Bruised and aching quite severely at this point. Kit looked back at the pair, and said with a low voice, "Pick me up, try not to drop me, and lets go."

His companions both hesitated, hating every moment of what they were having to do, but they soon realised that they had little other choice. Carefully, Max grabbed Kit by the legs and Romany grabbed his shoulders. A difficult task, but they managed it and were soon on their way.

Closing his eyes, he tried to silence his breathing and remain as still as possible. He jumped when he heard a voice, but no one seemed to notice.

"We thought you were dead, Romany."

"Unlucky for you, I'm not. I've found two more for us to bring with us."

Footsteps, and soon there was a man close to Kit's cheek. Looking over him carefully, and not being all too gentle about the matter either.

"The hell did you manage to do to this one?"

"Calm down, I met him with only one arm," she grunted. Trying her best to sound brave.

"Go on up, we should be headed out in half an hour. There are a few more things that need to be done on the island, then we'll be out of this awful place."

"Thanks," Romany nodded. Holding herself as straight as she could, as she led the way up the gang plank. Every step she took sent a shiver down Kit's spine, but he didn't move. He remained perfectly still.

Again the trio came to a stop when they reached the top of the ship.

"More freaks?" Came an amused voice, and Kit grimaced at the unkind term that was used for them.

"Yeah, thanks for not leaving without me. Where should I put them?" Her voice was laced with sarcasm, she was managing to sound less and less scared as she continued with the little charade.

"He can go in A block with the others, I'll radio down for you so they know your coming."

"What about sleeping beauty?"

Silence, as the man looked across Kit for a moment. "I'll take him to the top deck to be executed."

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