::Chapter 34:: Revelations

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Kit hesitated.

Before him was a place that should have felt familiar. Where he had lived for the last half a decade, a place he had fought to protect with everything he had.

Yet it felt like he had never been here before. Like this place was entirely new.

So much so that the places he had visited in the last few days, where he had barely spent a night at most, felt more like a home.

Here was a means to an end. Whereas back on the mainland was the place he hoped to reach when the end finally came.

If he wanted there to be even the slightest chance that this future could happen, he would have to make this one, most terrifying step.

Kit jumped.

He landed on the sandy shores with a gentle thump, and turned back to look at Vic and Max. A number of the other survivors were here as well, to say one final farewell to the island and ensure that it was left protected.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Max asked, uncertain as he looked down at the stones brought with them.

Supposedly the same ones which had protected the island from invaders and made the beasts unable leave.

"It has to," was Matthews simple answer. Not one which inspired a great deal of confidence in the group, but there was little time for them to find another solution. They didn't know how long it would take for the beasts to try and leave the island again.

Looking back at the man with narrowed, unamused eyes. "That's the best you have? Really."

"I'm welcome to better ideas but tell me them whilst we move." The human said with an equal lack of amusement. His arms folded and a glare to his eyes. Angered by the challenge from a lower down.

Knowing when to back off, even if he didn't like it. Kit looked away with a low sigh.

"Ok to lead the way, Max?" Romany asked, a slightly kinder tone, though not by a massive amount.

Nodding, if Kit was uncertain about being back, Max was right out terrified by the whole thing. He looked prepared to swim back to the main land if it came to it. "Of course, ready when you are."

Their destination was the headquarters deep underground. The place Kit had discovered the destruction of the island's power source. When all of this had first begun, what felt like a lifetime ago.

"Let's go," Matthew decided with a vastly more definitive tone. Though Kit wasn't certain whether it was an act to inspire more confidence in is followers, or if he truly believed in what he was saying and that this was going to work.

Not needing to be asked twice, Max set off. Anything that got them closer to leaving this awful place, Max was more than happy to help out. He stood up and pushed his way across the shoreline and towards the woodland.

He watched the young man set off for a moment, not moving to pursue. He tried to clear his head, but it felt like with all the thoughts running through it were going to make it explode with everything.

Pushing the fear away as best as he could, Kit let out a heavy sigh.

Following from the back of the group, Kit watched the surroundings in silence. Everything felt like it should have been a place that was familiar. Yet so much had changed that he felt like a stranger on this place.

Kit shook himself, and moved to catch up with Romany in silence. Brushing his shoulder against hers. Needing her touch as a source of comfort. As the fear was beginning to pump through his veins, and beginning to boil.

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