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I've been home from Hogwarts for a week now and today I'm meeting Sirius. I'm really excited to be honest. I look through my closet and end up getting changed into my shorts, white tank top with my vans and a floral cardigan. I brush my hair and then I go downstairs and have some breakfast whilst Dad is busy doing whatever it is he's doing. Once I'm finished I feed the rabbits and we leave ending up in some big dark house. 

"Don't he know how light bulbs work?" I ask 

Dad chuckles and keep hold of my hand "Stay away from the house elf he isn't friendly" 

I nod ok not seeing any house elf around but ah well. We walk into a room and there's a man stood there smiling. He has long scruffyish hair but he's dressed smartly. 

"Gabbi this is Sirius, Sirius this is my daughter Gabbi"

"Hi Gabbi, you look just like your mother" 

"Hi" I smile 

"I hear you knew I was innocent?" He asks whilst raising an eyebrow

"Yeah, Dad didn't believe me though." I smirk up at Dad

"You got a clever one there Remus"

"I do indeed, Hogwarts have another Hermione Granger on their hands it seems"

"You was at Hogwarts, in dog form and you attacked the fat lady" 

"I knew it was you I saw outside"

"The fat lady wasn't happy with you"

"She's annoying on times. Wait until she tries to sing, that's terrible" He laughs 

I laugh and finally take a seat next to Dad. They bring up the times they was in Hogwarts, I've heard these stories before from Dad but I don't tell Sirius that as he's way too happy and I don't want to break that happiness so I shut up and listen laughing along in the right places.

2hrs Later

"Wait did you just say Harry is your Godson?" I interrupt

"Yes, He's going to be living with me and we'll be a proper family" Sirius smiles

I smile back and shove another biscuit in my mouth, I'm glad Harry will be getting a family. His muggle family don't treat him very well which is very mean of them they should be taught a few lessons. We could turn them into balloons then when they get to the sky all the owls can get to them, that sounds like a great idea. I really want to do that now.

I stop thinking of Harry's family as balloons and listen into the conversation again.

"It's Severus" I correct

"No, Snivellus" Sirius replies

Gabrielle Lupin (Remus Lupin's Daughter) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now