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Hogwarts is going great so far, apparently Draco Malfoy a horrible Slytherin boy tried to approach Buckbeak and it didn't end well. Now poor Buckbeak is in danger cause of an idiot.

I get to Hagrid's hut but he isn't there however Buckbeak is. I go over and start to pet him, Buckbeak doesn't need to approve of me to touch him as he's known me a long time. After around an hour I go back to the castle as it's going to start getting dark soon. 

"What's going on?" I ask tom as there is a lot of Gryffindor students stuck on the stairs

"I don't know" He shrugs

I push my way pass and end up by Harry, Ron and Hermione

"Hey" Neville speaks up 

"Oh, you're there" Ron replies shocked 

"What's going on?" I ask 

Ginny appears in front of us looking worried "The fat lady, she's gone"

"Where would she go?" I ask 

Turns out she was in another portrait and apparently Sirius Black tried to break in, therefore Gryffindor has to sleep in the great hall except me. I'm allowed to go to Dad's chambers but I'm currently searching outside looking for Black. I know he's innocent.

I spot a black dog sat in the distance looking at me. Dad described his friends animal forms to me, that's Black. 


I stop in my tracks turning around to find Dad marching over to me.

"What on earth are you doing out here? It's dangerous"

"I found Sirius, he's right there" I point to Sirius only to notice he isn't there, he's gone.

"Don't lie, come on you're going to my chambers and not leaving until morning"

I sigh and walk with him back inside the castle, I really did see him I know I did. I climb into bed and sigh, why can't he believe me?

Gabrielle Lupin (Remus Lupin's Daughter) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now