Chapter 1
"Estelle," I summoned up every bit of confidence remaining in my body and prepared myself for the worst, "There are no more Oreos in the pantry. I ate the last one last night."
"YOU WHAT!?" The girl with the long brown hair screamed, "You son of a fluffing lamp!" She grabbed one of my pillow from behind her back and threw it over at my stomach. It felt as if the pillow was made of rocks and canned soup, 'cause it hurt... really bad.
The air was knocked out of my stomach, and my red hair fell over my face, "Oww," I gasped, "That really hurt." I grabbed the pillow that fell to my foot, and threw it back at her. It hit her straight in the face, and my best friend rolled off my bed, and hit the ground.
"What is your pillow made of," Estelle said after she clumsily got herself on her feet, her hair all over the place, "Rocks?"
"That's what I thought when it practically murdered me!" I walked over and picked up the same white pillow, and whacked it across Estelle's face, causing her to fall to the ground again.
"Ariel! STOP!" She waved her hand in the air, "I surrender."
"Mhmm," I said propping myself back on my bed, "Next time think about that before throwing something at me." Estelle wobbled her way off over to my bed and hopped on it.
"There's no more Oreos," she pouted, "Now I'm going to starve."
"Chill, we'll grab some pizza later," I patted her head.
Estelle, my mentally insane best friend, had wavy dark brown hair that looked charcoal black from afar. She had chocolate brown eyes that was almost the exact same shade as her hair, which I thought was kind of cool.
"Can we have tacos instead?" Estelle mumbled playing around with her phone. She scrolled through her IPhone, tapping it twice once in a while.
"Yea sure," I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and looked at the time. It was only half past noon. I tossed my phone on the bed and said, "Taco bell?"
"Ehh," She put her phone on the bed as well, "Sure." The moment after she dropped her phone on the bed, a familiar ring tone played. I reached over to grab my phone, but Estelle quickly grabbed my blue phone before I could.
"Hello, Payne residence, Estelle speaking," she said into the phone, completely ignoring my mouth that hung ajar. "Mhmm, sorry Ariel isn't here right now, but I will be gladly to deliver a message."
I cocked an eyebrow, Who is she talking to? I asked myself.
"Mhmm," she tapped her chin, "Alright, Ill tell her when shes done with her business Jason. But you have to bring Taocbell to her house in an hour or ill tell her you still watch Dora the Explorer."
At the mention of Jason's name and me doing my business, I jumped over at her, prying her hands off my phone, "ESTELLE!"
"Nono, she isn't here right now," She tried to push me off, "Shes on the toilet! That was her dog. Bring Tacos okay! Bye!" She clicked the end call button just when my hands were wrapped around my phone.
"You butt!" I looked down at my phone, wondering if that really happened. Something like this always happen when Estelle is around. I knew it was my fault for keeping my guards down.
"Hey, we have free tacos now," She grinned, looking proud of her mischievous deed, "You should be happy."
"Okay, I'm happy about the free tacos but really? Me doing my business"
"It worked didn't it?" she fell back onto my bed, "You can thank me later."
"Jeez, thanks," I rolled my eyes. I can sense she was holding back her laughter and I was at the verge to jumping on her and tearing her head off.
As I predict her incidental death, the door bell rang. "Ariel, there's a boy at the door!" I heard my mom call from down stairs.
"Jason's here with the tacos already?" Estelle bolted up.
Gosh, this girl is hungry. As always.
"I don't think he could get here that fast," I replied getting up to my feet. "Lets go see who's visiting." I opened the door to my room and walked out, followed by Estelle.
~Yinyin Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :3
>-< ~Kryssy

FantasyA beautiful story of random stuff between two best friends and a couple idiot dudes.